
ChristopherBurns Free

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  1. about 7 hours ago on Lisa Benson

    Not really. The crime he was convicted of were gun charges and lying on a federal document. None of those charges were verified by that laptop, just the fact he used drugs at the time he claimed he wasn’t using. the thing that dammed him in the eyes of the jury was that he wrote about it in his memoirs.

  2. about 9 hours ago on Lisa Benson

    So they used the laptop to convict someone of 3 minor felonies. In actuality it was Hunter Biden’s own words that sunk him. They weren’t on the computer, they were in his memoir.

  3. about 23 hours ago on Eric Allie

    I guess it depends on what you think is going on. If your saying that you are picturing what actually was happening at that demonstration, well, I don’t think so.

  4. 1 day ago on Eric Allie

    I’M in a bubble? HA! I looked it up, it happened Saturday, I guess I wasn’t paying attention to the news. In my defense it was a beautiful day and we were out for a drive to the beach.

    From what I’ve read the overwhelming message was to stop contributing to the war, not we hate America or Jews. So, I’m still calling bullsh!t on it.

  5. 1 day ago on Eric Allie

    Really? Whose head is that? It looks like President Biden’s, but I haven’t heard that now President Harris has taken the oath of office.

    Was it dozens of protestors? It hasn’t been reported by any news I’ve seen, so I doubt it was big. And put red hats on those guys and it could easily be MAGAs.

    So I’m back to it’s total Bull Sh!t.

  6. 1 day ago on Steve Kelley

    What stupid thing did she say? Those guys have been pretty quiet as of late.

  7. 1 day ago on Eric Allie

    The thing is that this is flat out bull sh!t.

    If he’s saying that Democrats are complacent in the face of Hamas terror, then he’s ignorant. Israel has been backed by Democratic Presidents and Congress since 1948. Most of the bombs the IDF uses are courtesy of the USA.

    If he’s saying this is what is happening on college campuses, then he needs to stop doing whatever drug he’s taking.

  8. 1 day ago on Eric Allie

    How lazy. I could take the same meme, replace it with an elephant and replace the art with ten recent quotes from Mr. Trump.

    It would be terrifying,

  9. 1 day ago on Eric Allie

    Iwonder why “fern” has to change it’s name so often?

  10. 2 days ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    But where would you live then?