Profile picture 1466872462

Kitty Katz Free

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  1. about 3 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    Meanwhile, Back on the Nile

    Elvis-Anum: Alright, we’re here at the oPyramid. It looks like there might be a room we haven’t explored down that corridor on the right. But proceed cautiously.

    Lupinium: Sure. I’ll just stop at the litter room on the right first.

    Elvis: Don’t take too long.

    Ta-Natash: I don’t know. He took a news scroll with him.

    Sometime Later

    Elvis: Lupinium!

    Lupnium: Okay, okay! I just got caught up reading a very interesting article.

    Elvis: We’re looking for the Young Cats!

    Tash: Wait, do you hear something?

    Lupinium: I think it’s from down the hall.


    Beatrixia: I’m going to put a pyramid on Waset Street. Iggy, your turn.

    Iggy: I’m going to buy the Appian Way. Iron Glove?

    Iron Glove: I passed Go, give me my two hundred silver pieces!

    Elvis: There you kids are! What’s going on?

    Bea: We found the hidden room! It’s got all kinds of board games!

    Iron Glove: I just got enough to put a pyramid on Sand Place!

    Elvis: We were worried about you!

    Iggy: Sorry about that. We got carried away gaming.

    Lupinium: If we hurry, we should be in time for Perfect Perch Supper.

    Bea: Maybe we can take some of the games with to play later.

    Tash: And later we can plan on setting up a game room here.

    Elvis: Alright, but we have to have the right priorities. First thing’s first!

    Bea: Perfect perch it is!

  2. about 22 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    Sometimes it truncates, sometimes it doesn’t.

    Here’s the rest:

    Puck: Are you planning to go to the oPyramid?

    Elvis: Yes. It’s my duty to make sure the young ones are safe.

    Queen Catshepsut the Golden: I’m sorry, I can’t allow you to do this.

    Elvis Puffs

    Elvis: You can’t mean that!

    Queen Cat: Not without taking backup.

    Ta-Natash: I’ll go!

    Lupinium: Me too!

    Queen Cat: Very well. Try to be back in time for Perfect Perch.

  3. 1 day ago on Breaking Cat News

    Meanwhile, Back on the Nile

    At the oPyramid

    Beatrixia: The hidden room is supposed to be located somewhere down the corridor after the pantry where we found all the imperishable food.

    Iggy: I still love the taste of vanilla scones. I wonder if there is any more available.

    Violet-Ifa: There’s no telling.

    Wally: Here’s a hieroglyph that might give us a clue. It has my great-great-great-great grandfather’s signature symbol as well.

    Vi: The hieroglyphs read: “Grab a snack from the pantry and go past the litter room on the right. That’s where we are.”

    Bea: Let’s go!

    At the Luthier’s Workshop

    Ora Z: So a guitar can be a percussion instrument as well as a stringed instrument?

    Lynn: That’s right. Using certain techniques a guitar can make sounds kinda like a drum.

    Mandy: We also have some drums we made for you.

    Ora Z: Alright. So I pick up the guitar and smash it on the ground?

    Lynn: Maybe Ziggy can show you when the Red Planet Spider puts in to harbor.

    Ora Z: Also, Thomios told me you’re both invited to join us for Perfect Perch tonight.

    Mandy: Delighted!

    Sometime Later at the Palace

    Puckmosis: It’s a pleasure to have you come to dine with us.

    Mandy: We love to come here.

    Puck: Did you happen to see Bea and Iggy and Wally on your way here?

    Lynn: No. I thought they may have already come back.

    Puck: Lupinium, did you see them on your way back?

    Lupinium: No. I’m sure they’re fine, though.

    Elvis-Anum: We have to find out!

    Puck: Are you planning to go to th

  4. 2 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    That’s the miraculous part.

  5. 2 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Meanwhile, Back on the Nile

    At the Royal Kitchen

    Thomos: Iggy and the Water Cat Brothers really had a great haul this time.

    Sue Chef: I know. We’ll have a feast of Perfect Perch with a medley of vegetables. Trevor-Hotep brought in the early Miracle Zucchini.

    Thomios: And we all know why they are Miracle Zucchini.

    Sue Chef: Right. Each vine only produces ten zucchini.

    Enter Puckmosis

    Puck: I’m wondering if you’ve seen Bea. She said something about Elvis finding a new scroll mentioning a hidden room at the oPyramid.

    Thomios: Yes. She went with Wally, Iggy, and Vi to explore. Ora Z went with them to visit with Mandy and Lynn.

    Puck: I’ll bet they have a lunch box with them.

    Thomios: As it says on my sun dial, “No one goes hungry on my watch.”

    At the oPyramid

    Mandy Luthier: Here are the new percussion instruments we talked about, OZ. Go ahead and try them out.

    Ora Z: Can’t wait. We’re doing a program with Lupinium for this year’s Summer Games.

    Lynn: We made sure these instruments are extra durable.

    Beatrixia: We’ll leave you to it. See you on the way back.

  6. 3 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Meanwhile, Back on the Nile

    Elvis-Anum: I’ve been translating this scroll from the oPyramid. It looks like there’s a hidden treasure room somewhere.

    Beatrixia: I wonder if it’s more gold and gems, or real treasure like scrolls.

    Elvis: I have a feeling somecat is going to try to find out.

    Bea: Or maybe somecats.

    Elvis: I leave you to organize a search party. I’d go, but I have so many scrolls to translate as well as other duties.

    Sometime Later

    Queen Catshepsut the Golden: So according to Elvis’ latest translation, there could be a hidden treasure room in the oPyramid.

    Bea: That is so, Your Majesty. I would like to ask Wally, Iggy, and Violet-Ifa to come along. And Ora Z is going with us to visit with the luthiers, Mandy and Lynn. I wanted to ask Lupnium, but he’s coaching the Tumbling Team.

    Queen Cat: Very well. Have Thomios make up a lunch packet. I understand he’s making Perfect Perch for supper tonight.

    Bea: Oh, we’ll be back by then!

  7. 4 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Meanwhile, Back on the Nile

    Beatrixia: I’m trying to write a poem, but I’m stuck on writing a verse that rhymes with window.

    Sophititi: Come to the studio. It’s kind of a mess right now, but you’re welcome to come in, though.

    Bea: Thanks. Oh, Iron Glove, are you going to the metal work exhibit?

    Iron Glove: Yes, I have an entry in the tin show.

    Bea: Congratulations. Iggy, are you going fishing with the Water Cat Brothers?

    Iggy: Yes. There’s a school of Perfect Perch, all swimming in a fin row.

    Bea: I can’t wait for dinner tonight. Ora Z, what’s that you’re playing with?

    Ora Z: Not sure. I just found this new gizmo.

    Adobe Style: How about joining us for some cin(namon) scones?

    Bea: Love to. That always makes me grin, oh!

  8. 5 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    But horses can be such naysayers. (Couldn’t resist)

  9. 5 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Meanwhile, Back on the Nile

    At the Nile Harbor

    Serfig-Aro: Ship coming into the harbor, sir! I believe it is the Godspeed!

    Captain Courageous of the Godspeed: Permission to dock, sir!

    Harbor Master Antef: Permission granted! And welcome!

    Serfig-Aro: I’ll inform the Royal Court the Godspeed is here.

    Sometime Later

    Queen Catshepsut the Golden: On behalf of my Royal Guests, Queen Mags of Afar, King Cadbury of Away, and their Majesties King Montgomery and Queen Lisa, I am honored to commend those who have given their lives in defense of their countries.

    The Cats: Whiskers turned to truth and paws raised in courage!

    The Raccoons: We pledge our courage near and afar!

    The Cats of Away: Honor and Bravery forever!

    The Moles: We dig in courage and honor!

    The Royal Procurers: We shall always be there in the hour of need!

  10. 6 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Meanwhile, Back on the Nile

    Beatrixia: I found a scroll you might be interested in, Soph.

    Sophititi: Is it about sculpture? Or Mosaics?

    Bea: Somewhat. But it also has decorating windows.

    Soph: That would be great. I have a window I’d love to decorate. But I haven’t found exactly how I want to proceed.

    Bea: I could give you a few suggestions, if you’d like.

    Soph: Always like new ideas.

    Sometime Later

    Soph: Just the thing. It needed the point of view of a kitten to get it just right.

    Bea: I think the input from Iggy and Ora Z helped, too.

    Soph: Just like it said in the scroll.

    The Moody Blues: The Eyes of a Child

    Listen, hear the sound of kittens at play

    Wonder to be found, kittens at play

    Throughout your life this joy must not be lost

    We’re all kittens at heart, whatever the cost

    With the eyes of a child we must know how to see

    There is wonder everywhere, and through life you will be

    A small part of the whole, but most important

    With the eyes of a child we will see

    The window shows the way, the joy awaits

    Night, or light of day, the joy awaits

    Now you can see wherever you want to go

    No need to be afraid of what the windows show

    With the eyes of a child we must know how to see

    There is wonder everywhere, and through life you will be

    A small part of the whole, but most important

    With the eyes of a child we will see