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  1. 1 day ago on Gary Varvel

    Fauci didn’t lie. You just refuse to see the truth.

    The only reason the Repubs are attacking Fauci is they know their Traitor Trump, now convicted felon, was responsible for most of the people that died in the USA. Repubs have a hard time with taking responsibility for their poor decisions.

  2. 1 day ago on Gary Varvel

    That was probably the other thing that burned convicted felon Trump, Fauci wouldn’t lie for him. The most he could get Fauci to do was not contradict him when he was talking publicly. Traitor Trump really wanted to kill more working Americans. Which he succeeded, as he killed a lot of his voters, and still is with a disease there are several vaccines to choose from. Stupid is, as stupid does. I’d get it biannually if they’d let me.

  3. 1 day ago on Gary Varvel

    That’s, because we’ve never had a criminal like Traitor Trump as president before.

    Now, we can officially call him that, because he is now a convicted felon on all accounts!

    The best thing? It will effect the sentencing in his other trials, because he’s now a convicted felon.

  4. 1 day ago on Clay Jones

    I’m guessing they knew Traitor Trump was going to be found guilty! He’s now officially the felon so many already knew him to be.

  5. 1 day ago on Clay Jones

    And now we get to wait for Traitor Trump’s sentencing after being found guilty on all felony accounts.

  6. 1 day ago on Clay Jones

    Well, it’s official, Traitor Trump is now a convicted felon!

  7. 1 day ago on Robert Ariail

    All, but the getting struck by lightning part. Which speaks to there being no benevolent god. He even used the guard to forceably remove peaceful protestors and a pastor, minister, or whatever, who was talking to them from the area for that photo shoot. It was during the BLM protests in DC.

  8. 1 day ago on Gary Varvel

    Hey Gary, how does it feel to be supporting a convicted felon and the party that will lie, cheat, and steal for him? Convicted on all accounts, no less?

  9. 1 day ago on Gary Varvel

    Anyway, for the first time in Traitor Trump’s miserable life he’s finally being held accountable. Guilty on all felony accounts. Guess he should have taken Repub advice. Don’t commit the crime, if you don’t want to do the time.

    Of course, now they will be in earnest to lie, cheat, steal him into the presidency. When he loses, just watch, he’ll suddenly admit to all his health issues and mental decline. To which I say, put him in a prison hospital, because he’s already gotten away with too much, for far too long.

  10. 1 day ago on Gary Varvel

    Perhaps, they figured where it came from mattered less than dealing with the emergency at hand?

    Pretty sure the general consensus after many investigations is that Covid 19 came from the wet market.