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  1. about 7 hours ago on Michael Ramirez

    You say “Trump has not been proven in any court to have committed sexual assault on a woman.”

    Go back to the news for Thu April 25, 2024. Headlines like “Federal judge upholds verdict in E. Jean Carroll case” cover the second time he was found guilty of sexual assault on E. Jean Carroll.

  2. 4 days ago on Michael Ramirez

    You say "I don’t recall anyone skewering Bill Clinton for any indiscretions in his private history. The issue as I recall it was his abuse of office (not a crime, Monica was an adult) made worse by lying under oath. "

    As you are fully aware, Bill Clinton was impeached for actions that occurred in the privacy of his office with no witnesses. That is the definition of private history.

    If any Republican had done what Clinton did the Republican party would have said “there was no abuse of office” and defended his lying under oath as “protecting the ladies reputation” and not one would have voted for his impeachment.

    Remember that after Trumps second impeachment trial Mitch O’Connell stood on the steps of the Capital and admitted straight out that Trump was 100% guilty as charged. So much for the Republicans oath unto god to defend the United States and its laws.

    Bill Clinton was impeached for having CONSENSUAL sex with someone who is not his wife. Trump has a long history of sex with someone who is not his wife, is proven in court to have COMMITTED SEXUAL ASSAULT with a NON CONSENTING person, brags about his other sexual assaults on microphone and his biggest supporter is the hypocrite who was responsible for Clintons impeachment.

    Trump and Lyndsay Graham are both ankles.

  3. 4 days ago on Michael Ramirez

    You say “You don’t see Trump’s associates turning up dead in mysterious ways.”

    You left out four words.

    You don’t see Trump’s associates AND POLITICAL ENEMIES turning up dead in mysterious ways YET.

  4. 4 days ago on Non Sequitur

    Wiley got the critics deformed little brain shape correct as well.

  5. 13 days ago on Michael Ramirez

    The funny thing is that the latest index of places where house prices are still skyrocketing and those where house prices are falling show California is where people want to live and Florida, Arizona and Nevada are where house prices are falling.

  6. about 1 month ago on Matt Wuerker

    It is a pity that all of that bunch of gun nuts are totally gutless or they would be off in Ukraine either shooting at Russians or being shot at by Ukrainians.

    Probably the latter with that bunch of gutless morally bankrupt nuts.

  7. about 1 month ago on Michael Ramirez

    People forget that the whole reason the US fought against the British in the war of independence was because the then king thought he was above all laws and had total immunity.

    Read the first two paragraphs of the Declaration of Independence.

    Trumplicans think that the US needs to turn back the clock to 1776

  8. about 1 month ago on Phil Hands

    There are definitely better uses for our taxes than the war machine BUT so long as Putin is determined to make the whole world a workers paradise like Russia, run by a pack of corrupt crooks, we need to protect ourselves.

    Putin’s puppets will not hire anyone using government money because your taxes are needed for billionaires tax cuts, even though they already pay far less than you do.

    Putin wants all off Russia’s old possessions back under Russian control and that includes Alaska.

    Putin’s biggest puppet will give it to him, lock stock and barrel, in exchange for the promise he can build a Puppet hotel in Moscow.

  9. about 1 month ago on Phil Hands

    Not if Putin’s puppets are in power.

    Putin’s puppets will pull America out of NATO and ban exports to Ukraine the moment they get into power and thousands of defence industry workers will all be out of a job so that the puppets can give the billionaires another tax cut.

  10. about 1 month ago on Clay Jones


    His conception of “the people” is white men who are property developers.