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  1. about 5 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    Don’t worry— The Murines are on the way!

  2. about 6 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    Straight to the vet (subsonic this time) for a thorough checkup and a chip. Then home, where he let go of me just long enough to eat and enormous amount of food, then climbed back into my arms to sleep for four hours. He spent the night curled up with me. The Littlest Viking was home.

  3. about 6 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    As far as we can tell, this is what happened:

    8-ball and Azimov (the Practically Perfect Cat, also known as the Pink-Nosed Wonder) were allowed to roam, as all our cats were before we knew better. A new church had just been finished half a block away, and that day got a new asphalt parking lot. What we think happened was that 8-ball found a nice, soft, warm spot that smelled like food—the cab of one of the asphalt trucks. He climbed in and settled down for a nap under the seat. Next thing he knows the truck is moving. It goes all the way to north of Zion, IL, where it gets parked by the company owner’s barn/shed. The driver opens the door to get out, and 8-ball makes a furry black and white streak into the surrounding woods. They owned about 20 acres, most of which had gone wild, dotted with ancient, abandoned vehicles of various sorts. It’s a great environment for a feral cat, raccoons, possums, skunks, coyotes, etc. The woman owns several horses, too.

    He survived there on what he could catch, and by raiding the people’s dog’s food, which they left out. One day, just over two months later, the woman noticed 8-ball, and that he still had a collar. Next time she saw him, she managed to get to him and read the tag. She called our animal control, who then called me at work at about 2 pm. I left work immediately. At the time, the car I drove had a bumper sticker: “My other ride is an F-16.” On that drive, over 40 miles north, I was in the F-16.

    When I got there, the woman was not home. Her husband said he hadn’t seen 8-ball, but I was welcome to look for him. So I started looking, calling his name every few paces, using every hunting skill and instinct I had. Just after I walked past an abandoned 1920s truck, I heard his special trill behind me, turned around, called him again, and found him in the back bed of the truck. It is debatable which of us grabbed the other first, or hung on more tightly.

  4. about 6 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    I actually have one round tuit. I had two, but I gave the other to a needy person.

  5. about 12 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    Send posters to all the local vets, animal control, and rescue agencies in the area. A twenty mile radius is not too far! (8-ball was found 25 miles away.)

  6. about 12 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    I understand there was a problem at the factory, and round tuits are in short supply.

  7. about 12 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    I hope the non-surgical option works for J.

  8. about 13 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    Holy habanero, Batman! It works!

  9. about 13 hours ago on Breaking Cat News


  10. about 13 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    Now they’ll have to kill you …
