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Cozmik Cowboy Free

Recent Comments

  1. about 3 hours ago on Agnes

    I have told Her to leave me in the woods for the critters, but She declines to honor that wish.

  2. about 4 hours ago on Moderately Confused

    Fun fact: Roosters actually crow all day.

  3. about 4 hours ago on Moderately Confused

    And “Our menu has recently changed….” Really? every menu has always “recently changed”???

    When the Lovely & Charming Mrs. Cowboy worked in and then managed a call center for an air freight company, discipline would ensue if a phone wasn’t answered – by a human – by the 3rd ring.

    If they cared about your call, they’d staff at levels to match the call volume. But they don’t; they want you to shut up and go away. Same reason the hold “music” is so awful, with such bad sound quality.

  4. about 4 hours ago on Speed Bump

    One of the many women in Poe’s life who died of consumption. I have posited that watching people he loved die from lack of breath was behind his several stories about being shut into walls, etc., where one would suffocate.

  5. about 4 hours ago on The Boondocks

    I was about to ask “What do teenage boys do without the Sears catalog??”

    Then I remembered: Just like the people who used to buy from the catalog, they have the internet for their, um, needs.

  6. about 5 hours ago on Arlo and Janis

    Right on, Arlo! Ours are in the mountains in CO, in the mountains in CA, and a 5-minute walk from the mountains in AK; we often talk of moving to the first 2 (and I talk of moving the the 3rd; their mother, however, complains about IL winters, so…….).

    KS? Yeah, don’t think we’d be talking so much. And not just because they’d be a one-day drive there.

  7. about 5 hours ago on Agnes

    In NOLA they’re all on wetlands; that’s why tombs instead of graves – ground’s too wet for a hole to remain hole long enough to plant the stiff.

    And all cemeteries are the biggest waste of ground this side of golf courses; get burnt and let the land return to nature!

  8. about 5 hours ago on Frazz

    Down here drive-in movies are, alas and alack, pretty much found only in the memories of Boomers…….

  9. about 5 hours ago on Frazz

    Jerry Keller, 1959.


  10. about 5 hours ago on Frazz

    That was my thought, too.