Greg backlit

mindjob Free

"If you can't take a joke, you shouldn't be reading the funnies"

Recent Comments

  1. about 8 hours ago on FoxTrot Classics

    Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana

  2. about 8 hours ago on Luann

    He needs to buy a new flapper

  3. about 8 hours ago on B.C.

    The LAL test is very important to medical science. That you, horseshoe crab!

  4. about 8 hours ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    If it’s Opposite Day, give her the 25c and say it’s worthless

  5. about 8 hours ago on Ripley's Believe It or Not

    Monterey cypress on the west coast, north of Monterey seems to get lots of wind and look spectacular

  6. about 8 hours ago on Herman

    No need to go anywhere else, Dr. has you covered

  7. about 8 hours ago on Peanuts

    Maybe it’s just passing gas after a big lunch

  8. about 8 hours ago on For Better or For Worse

    Throw some hamburger in the pan, chop it up, add BBQ sauce and viola, Sloppy Joes

  9. about 8 hours ago on For Better or For Worse

    Swanson TV dinners

  10. about 9 hours ago on Non Sequitur

    Only one of them is using his billions to try to make the world a better place, the rest are just buying luxury yachts