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Space_cat Free

Recent Comments

  1. 1 day ago on Breaking Cat News

    I want to thank everyone for your kind comments, I can deal with change when it’s something I can control. When it’s out of my hands and I am at someone else’s mercies, I am uncomfortable. The 1st being a Saturday means, if he is any kind of non-secular Jew, I won’t see him until after sundown or on Sunday. I suppose my biggest fear is having my lease voided and a huge rent increase. I will do my best to make myself useful to him like always, and the hope that he will see that I will save him money in the long run and increase the value of his investment. To go through this twice in less than 8 months is ridiculous, I mean, barb’s anxiety is my anxiety, moving is hard on her because of her MS. last time we moved was 150 feet to a different building and I did all the work, and I was 45.

  2. 4 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    I’ve lived all over, but the alley I grew up on and my family lived on for a century until they were forced to move, and sell the 2 homes they owned (I was to inherit one) feel like the only place I feel is truly Home… I can see you understand from your response. It’s been a parking lot for 40 years in a very bad part of town. Shortly, it will become a 7 story luxury apartment building for rich jerks with too much money right up next to a huge graveyard. But I feel like my history’s being erased.

  3. 4 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Counting down the last few days here, until we get yet another new landlord, I have an awful feeling about this guy. We have lived here since 2008, and priced out of the local housing market entirely in 2024 on our incomes. The last landlord was a property flipper, the one previous to him had this place for 13 years, we knew him well and could always negotiate with him when money was tight. He trusted me to collect rents, do light maintenance, and move the vast lawns we have. I also handled interviews with prospective tenants, and handled clean outs and evictions when necessary. I kept the riffraff out and made this place nice by building decorative stone walls and patios. In short, I cared for this place like I owned it.

    This, despite the glaring fact that the universe clearly does not want me to ever own any real estate outside a burial plot!

    Neither of us wants to move, we like the privacy, we like the lack of neighbors on top of us and below. Our little backyard and a place to garden. We already know we will both be absolutely miserable in Senior housing or any modern Apartment building. No income based rent, can subsidize or even replace the peace and serenity we feel here. For me, despite not being my real home (I will explain if anyone wants to know) it is the longest I have lived in any one location in my 60 years. I have so much anxiety and trepidation right now, Our new owner is most likely Hasidic, if he was orthodox or even a non-secular Jew like myself, I can deal with them. Our old-old one was a “mensch” he lowered our rent by 200 a month and even gave us a 2-year lease before he sold the place. He did lose our security deposit though, and for that I am angry. I have receipts from him and the original owner when I first moved in, but I don’t think that will help us.

    I’m starting to see why so many people my age just give up and pack it in, it’s all just too much, and the light at the end of the tunnel was just another train coming at us.

  4. 6 days ago on Rabbits Against Magic

    Yes, and my survival skills are such that I will live just long enough to watch it all backfire hilariously on you MAGA morons! You really don’t know how badly the stupid orange fire you have set will burn you and all you love until it turns on you! By then it will be too late, and, oh how I will laugh when it’s finally my turn! My only sadness will be for our democracy, and that you can’t hear me laughing at you!

    So sad, and so profoundly stupid, that you would embrace the very evil America saved the world from.

    How incredibly selfish, that you would dismiss the noble sacrifices this country’s men and women made in order to defeat such evil tyranny.

    How unpatriotic and treasonous, that you would gladly, and without a milligram of critical thought before you open your mouth that you, a Republican would willingly believe and mindlessly parrot Russian propaganda, from you part’y own sworn enemy since the 1940’s!

    And worst of all, that you would let them burn the republic to the ground, rather than make them give you good jobs, free schools and universities, and healthcare. Instead, you would rather they cut taxes on the wealthy, which has only helped the wealthy. And make YOU pay for it while you live in fear of a big hospital bill making you homeless.

    I don’t know if it’s possible, but you’ve got some hard thinking to do! GET TO IT!

  5. 6 days ago on Doonesbury

    When the GOP doubles down on stupidity, the Libertarians say, “Hold my unfiltered, unpasteurized, homemade beer!”

  6. 7 days ago on Wizard of Id

    Money can’t buy happiness… But it can sure make misery more enjoyable!

  7. 8 days ago on Lalo Alcaraz

    MTG= Major Toilet Germs! Seriously, she sounds like a 50 car pileup and looks a like a diseased Baboon’s diseased rectum! And seems about as smart as a wet ashtray…

  8. 8 days ago on The Buckets

    Trust me… They’re more fun when they are!

  9. 13 days ago on M2Bulls

    There are no bad dogs… Just bad owners!

  10. 13 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Roy will mew softly or go Mrrrr! but just a little bit. Poodle is very vocal and will… Well she screams “Sqwuuuuuaaaat!” loudly and coarsely. When she sees she is getting what she wants, it suddenly becomes a long musical trill of happiness, that varies in complexity followed by more Squatting until her face is in the bowl.