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brwydave Premium

Recent Comments

  1. about 8 hours ago on Joel Pett

    At least they didn’t take off their red trump neckties. Modesty prevails.

  2. 1 day ago on Bill Bramhall

    Congestion pricing works in London and Stockholm – why not Manhattan?

  3. 1 day ago on Matt Davies

    Congestion pricing works in London and Stockholm – why not Manhattan?

  4. 1 day ago on Tim Campbell

    It looks to be all in balance,

  5. 5 days ago on Bill Bramhall

    Gots to protect the rights of commuters from New Jersey, Long Island, and points up the Hudson who insist on driving into Manhattan. They are incapable of taking the train or bus.

  6. 8 days ago on Henry Payne

    Payne got to draw a car – whoop whoop.

  7. 12 days ago on Matt Davies

    Definitely the subject of a couple of doctoral thesis in the next ten or so years.

  8. 14 days ago on Jeff Danziger

    You wonder, until you get to try it, if what you trained for in the military really works.

  9. 16 days ago on Joey Weatherford

    The second squadron of the seventh cavalry had a pipe band that the only tune they knew was Gary Owen. They played it to wake their troopers, and in the summer, when all the barracks windows were open, they also roused the cannoneers of the 39th Artillery (where I slept) in Schweinfurt – 1963-64. I knew the tune well.

  10. 20 days ago on Jack Ohman

    I don’’t think the debate will happen. Anybody want to bet against me? Trump will claim it is rigged and back out.