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  1. about 7 hours ago on Gary Varvel

    I’ve never suggested BB is real. I have always said it’s a funny sarcastic joke site. You’re just dumb. Thats it.

  2. about 9 hours ago on Clay Bennett

    Growing up, is it true you had posters in your room of the 1962 Mets, The Washington Generals (who played against the Harlem Globe Trotters), 1992 Huston Oilers, Hillary Clinton and movie posters of 47 Ronin, The Adventures of Pluto Nash and Dudley Do Right? It would make sense because you seem to love LOSERS!

  3. about 10 hours ago on Chip Bok

    I’m sure his “bro’s” all think it’s great fun.

  4. about 12 hours ago on Lisa Benson

    “I just donated $300k to Trump. I’m prepared to lose friends. Here’s why,” Sequoia founder Shaun Maguire wrote in an extended post on X.“Back in 2016 I had drunk the media Kool-Aid and was scared out of my mind about Trump. As such I donated to Hilary Clinton’s campaign and voted for her. By 2020 I was disillusioned and didn’t vote – I didn’t like either option. Now, in 2024, I believe this is one of the most important elections of my lifetime, and I’m supporting Trump,” he added.

  5. about 12 hours ago on Gary Varvel

    President Biden and his team tell us he is fit for another four years in the world’s most important and vigorous job. He doesn’t believe in polls, they say. Cutting the $40 bank fee to $8 when bouncing a check was a huge accomplishment. His eight new electric vehicle charging stations are solving climate change. The border is secure (but he can’t fix it with executive order #96). Donald Trump is evil. No one is buying it anymore. Vote Red. Vote Trump!!

  6. about 12 hours ago on Chip Bok

    Does anyone else notice that Darsan uses the term “Fist Job” on every post? Have fun celebrating your favorite month starting tomorrow. It was built just for people like you.

  7. about 14 hours ago on Dana Summers

    The judge has voted for and given money to Biden and democrats. As hard as it is for you, try to keep up. It makes your dumb comments worth reading.

  8. about 14 hours ago on Jeff Stahler

    There will be many upside-down American flags flying across America today. It will be my honor and privilege to vote for a convicted felon and Americas first political prisoner in November. Who’s with me?

  9. about 14 hours ago on Chip Bok

    I don’t know. You’ll have to ask Stormy. She’s the only one with knowledge of a gag order.

  10. about 14 hours ago on Clay Bennett

    Two things happened yesterday. 1) They sealed Trumps return to the Presidency. 2) They set a precedent for bringing past Presidents to justice for “crimes” committed while in office.Remember this Dems. What goes around comes around. We are even more MAGA than we were last week. “We didn’t start the fire…”.