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  1. about 1 hour ago on Clay Jones

    Alito Sux….Sorry, Spelling!

  2. about 1 hour ago on Clay Jones

    It’s difficult to see, but the neighbor has a sign that says, “Aliot Sux”.

  3. 1 day ago on Clay Jones

    Yes, He does lie about stupid stuff. He’s not even really good at it.

  4. 1 day ago on Henry Payne

    It would be a “Banana Republic” if you didn’t prosecute Felons who had money. Or at least the appearance of money.

  5. 1 day ago on Clay Jones

    “Most Constant Liar of ALL Time”!

    “Bloat” does personify Trump better, though.

  6. 2 days ago on Clay Jones

    Sorry, I disagree with you on this one. The Stars of the Japanese and Korean Leagues have proven that they could play on MLB teams. In fact, Ohtani is arguably the best player in MLB now. He certainly is the most popular.

    Since those stars can and have played in the MLB leagues it is fair to compare them to stars in the Ngro leagues. And yes, those Stars can shine brighter when the competition is not as fierce. And statistically, rules differences do matter. Of course, as I’ve said, baseball rules have changed over time just not as fast as other sports.

  7. 2 days ago on Clay Jones

    Baseball statistics are tricky. Do they include all professional leagues? Would that include the Japanese Leagues too? I think Oh is the all time Homerun leader.

    You can’t just say all American teams either as part of the MLB is in Canada. Minor League Statistics aren’t generally included in the HOF, right?

    All baseball parks are different. That is just the nature of baseball, But the rules are slightly different too. I don’t know how much that matters, but statistics are important to baseball geeks. The rules, and sizes of the pitching mounds have been adjusted over time.

    Should the baseball HOF include the N*gro Leagues? Definitely. The Japanese Leagues? I don’t know. (Taiwan has a League too, I think). I’m just wary of mixing statistics from League to League.

  8. 2 days ago on Steve Kelley

    Kamala is Green?

  9. 3 days ago on Gary Varvel

    A secret joint project with the Chinese Government? That sounds highly unlikely. The NIH is transparent and I haven’t heard anything about that. It doesn’t make sense.

  10. 3 days ago on Too Much Coffee Man

    I’ve been in one of those relationships!