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piper_gilbert Free

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  1. about 6 hours ago on Eric Allie

    Not angry. I’m pretty matter of fact at this stage in my life. As for free time, I retired earlier than most. Lots of free time.

  2. about 14 hours ago on Eric Allie

    I agree. Trump is deranged. That’s why I’m voting against him in November. I’m not voting for Biden as much as I’m voting against Trump, again.

  3. about 14 hours ago on Gary Varvel

    Be smart with your purchases. I use store apps, brands, and coupons. I buy my meat from the rancher that raises the pigs and cattle. I haven’t been that impacted by food prices. Buy smart.

  4. about 15 hours ago on Gary Varvel

    Economic numbers are trending the right direction. Keep it going.

  5. about 15 hours ago on Michael Ramirez

    Being able to kill a lot of people really fast is a 2nd Amendment Right. Apparently.

  6. about 15 hours ago on Ted Rall

    Cooking the books will get you sent to jail. Ask Bernie Madoff.

  7. about 15 hours ago on Mike Beckom

    This cartoon is asking you Republicans a question. What say you?

  8. about 15 hours ago on Clay Jones

    Russian Bot

  9. about 15 hours ago on Bob Gorrell

    No matter how much the media wants to keep this an even race, because of the money it generates for them, Trump is going to lose. Unless, of course, he can come up with that beautiful healthcare plan he’s promised in two weeks for seven years.

  10. about 15 hours ago on Eric Allie

    I’m more worried about the Orange Stain Skidmark in front of the scenes.