Large girls pose

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Recent Comments

  1. about 18 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    Sophie is happy and Lupin gets to play princess again. All is right with the world, other than some gender-misidentification that is.

  2. about 20 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    That’s a very good point. Either way, it’s gone, for now. It gave me the excuse to ditch the ad blocker I had been using. It hadn’t been performing well for some time.

  3. about 24 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    Ad blockers! They work with most sites.

  4. about 24 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    My noise cancelling headphones are my bolt hole. LOL Speaking of which, we are soon going to be caught in a worse season than the cicadas. The idiot’s and their fireworks! It now starts about now and goes through mid july.

  5. 1 day ago on Breaking Cat News

    Willy Shakes would have not stopped and ended up with window gets smashed, girl hangs herself only to see the glazier’s truck pulling up to repair it. LOL

  6. 1 day ago on Texts From Mittens

    Now I’m picturing a “HOT LAUNDRY” neon sign like the HOT DONUTS signs that Krispy Kreme have in their stores. LOL

  7. 1 day ago on Breaking Cat News

    I did that too. I saw something with amazon, which seems about right. I occasionally get ads from them at the top. Another reason I switched ad blockers. The actual element that I clicked on to delete was very small. Maybe one line of code? That’s a guess from a computer sweathog. LOL

  8. 1 day ago on Breaking Cat News

    I just switched my ad blocker to adblock, for safari. It took about 2 minutes of fiddling with it to get the gray void to vanish. Free browser extension. So, job done, for now.

  9. 2 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    It appears to be on all browsers. My adblock on chrome allows me to select the area and block it. So far it has not returned. However, when I use safari the same adblock has no such function. You do seem to be correct about it being a placeholder for an ad. I further suspect that the code has been goofed up so much that it is slipping through both adblockers and the no ads premium status. Probably setup by the same geniuses that created the offensive word list. LOL

  10. 2 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    It’s amazing how much easier difficult situations can be with the comfort of familiar things and the best of friends to support you. Sophie has all of that, and more.