Profile picture 1466872462

Kitty Katz Free

Recent Comments

  1. about 14 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    I would like Sophie (when she’s back safe and sound) to meet the spirit of Lady Jane.

  2. about 15 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    Celine Dion: My Heart Will Go On

    Every archived broadcast

    I hear you, I see you

    And I still know you will go on

    Far across the distance, in the Bone Forest

    I know that you still live on


    Near, far, wherever you are

    Your kindness and compassion go on

    Some day I’ll see you once more

    Until then I know you will go on.


    Love can touch us one time and go on forever

    And I know our love will go on

    My love for you is right here

    And will leave me never

    My friends and I know you go on!


    Near, far, wherever you are

    Your kindness and compassion go on

    Some day I’ll see you once more

    Until then I know you will go on.


    You’re here, I’ve no need to fear!

    High above here I know you go on!

    Until then, when we meet again

    You are safe in my heart and my heart will go on and on!

    For Mags and Magnavox

  3. about 17 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    Could Gutter’s attire be the inspiration for Thimblefist?

  4. 1 day ago on Breaking Cat News

    Toad the Wet Sprocket: Feel This Way

    Nothing’s so loud

    As the silence of the night

    A friend goes missing

    And we do not know how or why

    But we will not give up


    All we want is to find the way

    Find the way so our friend is found!

    All we want is to find the way

    We won’t give up until our friend’s safe and sound!


    It feels so cold

    Even on a summer night in June

    And we never will give up

    And we have to be brave we know

    The air outside is so soft

    It gives us hope for everything



    All we want is to find the way

    Find the way so our friend is found!

    All we want is to find the way

    We won’t give up until our friend’s safe and sound!

  5. 2 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Amon-Merchant and Azibo will continue to sell their spice plurals.

  6. 2 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    John Denver: Looking for Space

    On the road from the Big Pink House

    We’re trying to find our lost friend

    When we think we have found a clue

    It seems we are at a standstill

    But we keep trying and we always will!


    We’re looking for our friend

    And to bring her back home

    Our sweet, sweet friend

    We know she must be somewhere

    We need the help of our wild friends

    We know that we must not despair!


    Not alone, Sophie please know that

    We will not give up on you

    You have all your friends now

    And your friends in the wild

    We won’t give up until you’re found!


    We’re looking for our friend

    And to bring her back home

    Our sweet, sweet friend

    We know she must be somewhere

    We need the help of our wild friends

    We know that we must not despair!

  7. 2 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Sending all the good thoughts that this vicious cycle is outta here!

  8. 2 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Meanwhile, Back on the Nile (Classic Edition)

    Thomios: We’re on our way to the Cosmos Nursery. We should be back in time for dinner. My assistant Sue Chef will be making toppings.

    Shisho-San: I would like to help as well. I brought some scrolls from the 641.8248 section in the No Longer Hidden Library.

    Sue Chef: That would be lovely.

    Shisho-San: Anyone know where Ambassador Katsu-San is?

    Thomios: I believe he is in the Palace Library with Elvis-Anum. He did say he had some things he wanted to talk about with the Royal Scribe.

    Shisho-San: Then it must be something very serious and important.

    At the Palace Library

    Katsu-San: Thank you for teaching me how to play Senat. Now how about I teach you Shogi?

    Elvis-Anum: You’re on. Then it’s on to Hounds and Jackals.

  9. 3 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Don’t worry. There will be another running joke soon.

  10. 3 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    From An American Tail: Somewhere Out There

    Somewhere out there, how far I can’t tell

    I know I will find her and all will be well

    Somewhere out there, please know I’ll return

    And we’ll be together, through trials and concern

    And even though you cannot see me, do not be afraid

    I am still quite close beside you and with you every day

    And even though I cannot see you under the vast night sky

    I know you’ll soon be with me and you are close by!

    Somewhere, out there

    Love will see us through

    And we’ll be together

    Somewhere out there

    Out where dreams come true!