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  1. 9 days ago on FoxTrot

    Reminds of a comic I saw back in the 70’s….two Oriental men are walking along. One says "on recent trip to America, observed honorable American on place called golf course playing game called ‘Aw Crap’ "

  2. 14 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    No, because although it is written in poetic form like the Psalms, the majority is really a transcript of conversation

  3. 14 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    your reply is appreciated, but I am happy to stand firm on this. This is not the outlet for debating doctrine so I’m not going to go there. Except to say that nowhere in scripture did Jesus ever say “I am God”. (and no, the reference to Moses writing that God said “I am” is not such either. The Hebrew Aramaic text makes clear that the meaning of that reference at Ex. 3:14 is “I will become what I choose to become”. Jesus supposed use of the expression “I am” is properly rendered as “I have been” and was no relation to what Moses recorded). If the trinity teaching was so important, then God would have communicated that clearly and not left it shrouded in mystery. Others here have already presented a multitude of references establishing that Jesus was only who he claimed to be, the son of God. If he was God, whom was he praying to? Whom was he being obedient to? Whose will did he claim he was doing? Why would the Devil bother trying to tempt God? And who raised him from the dead if he was God? The scriptures also make clear that the holy spirit is not a person, it is God’s active force/power that he uses to accomplish his will. And finally, yes…..a perfect man could buy back what the original perfect man Adam lost (i.e. remove sin) . Paul made that point clear in Romans 5:12-19

  4. 15 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    If a soldier with a family and everything to live for is willing to sacrifice his life for others or his country, it’s because he believes that some things are more important than his own life. That’s called valor. Satan made the claim that no human would maintain his trust in God when subjected to trials. He claimed that the only reason humans serve God is because of what he gives them. God allowed the brief opportunity for Satan to try to prove his claim with Job. The claim was false, and in the end God blessed Job with far more than he ever had to begin with. The account ends that Job was satisfied with his life, and not that he lamented anything he lost. And the children he lost will be brought back to life on earth along with Job to be together again. A soldier only gets a folded up flag and a plaque for his family

  5. 15 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    “There is no evidence at all for gods or the supernatural, none, nada, zilch”

    Only so much as nothing has been presented to you personally yet that is sufficient for you. The fact is there is the possibilty that life may exist on a level or plane that we as humans don’t yet understand. But just because we haven’t seen it or comprehend it yet is not conclusive proof that such does not exist. Billions of people, past and present, including scientists, doctors and researchers, have become convinced of the existance of a Creator by what they are able to see and study and what they have come to accept as sufficient evidence. Unless you think you are more intelligent and knowledgeable than those billions. But then we’d be talking about another kind of delusion

  6. 15 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    " I don’t know how the universe began or why but scientists and curious minds have been actively looking into it "

    So by extension then, the possibility exists that it may have been created, because no one has been able to firmly rule that out yet

  7. 15 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    “backed up by observation and empirical data from a wide range of fields”

    But it still remains largely a theory, due in part to many unknowns as well as questions

  8. 15 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    “Job is an epic poem that doesn’t have to be taken literally”

    There is nothing poetic about it

  9. 17 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Sad that ones like Rat think the only way to have a good time is by getting drunk and making a fool of yourself.

  10. 17 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    In response to “That is the nature of the bible, inconsistency”

    Only when you’re looking at it solely to find fault. The fact is that nearly every so-called contradiction that people point to can be readily clarified just by deep diving into the texts in question. The Bible has a unique overall harmony from Genesis to Revelation