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  1. 15 minutes ago on Daddy's Home

    there’s apparently a local ordinance that says i’m required to…

  2. 17 minutes ago on Crumb

    we were amazed that our visiting tortoiseshell was still scarfing down 16 plates of food a day when it appeared she had lost her kittens. turns out she has at least one, a cute little orange tabby that she brought around this morning. how does a cat manage to raise a kitten when she does nothing but hang out around our place and the neighbor’s all day long…?

  3. 22 minutes ago on Agnes

    well, that would certainly be a crash course…

  4. 23 minutes ago on The Born Loser

    now he can throw the pb&j in the composter and make himself a good sandwich… ☺

  5. 26 minutes ago on Ballard Street

    looks like todd’s three sheets to the wind…

  6. 27 minutes ago on Ballard Street

    and after the fun’s over they say, well, we can put that one to bed…

  7. 41 minutes ago on The Argyle Sweater

    looks like dad was in a bad moooood…

  8. 41 minutes ago on The Argyle Sweater

    he didn’t like her dairy air…

  9. 44 minutes ago on Agnes

    i’ve already got the dummy part down… ☺

  10. about 1 hour ago on Wondermark

    with japan’s narrow streets and the clueless way that everyone drives, cyclists and vehicle operators alike, i suspect that even full body kevlar wouldn’t prevent injuries and deaths. we’ve had an unfortunate spate of young kids and old folks getting slammed by cars recently and the cyclists were at least partly to blame for not looking around before crossing the street. nobody ever does.

    a curious aspect of japanese culture is the idea that you’re not really doing it right unless you dress the part. so, for example, you have first-time skiers who lay out thousands of yen for gear and clothing, often never skiing again after finding out it’s more difficult than it looks (and cold to boot), and day hikers in full lederhosen (slight exaggeration, but not too far off). people who have any level of interest in cycling are already wearing a helmet. and a full range of spandex, which makes me feel woefully badly dressed in my shorts and t-shirt. it’s the overwhelming majority, the students cycling to school or commuters cycling to the train station, always on mamachari, crappy bikes they picked up at the local home center, that the law is aimed at. far and away, they’re the ones most apt to get into accidents. and do, with alarming frequency…