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Recent Comments

  1. about 19 hours ago on Gary Markstein

    Is Mitch McConnell still in the Senate? Yes? Then your comment is meaningless.

  2. about 19 hours ago on Gary Markstein

    Easy enough done, if the Congress had honest men and women in it. Instead of Republicans.

  3. 1 day ago on Clay Bennett

    Biden beat Trump. Soundly. That makes Trump the convicted felon the loser, right?

    Jimmy Carter is a man of great dignity and character. In no way would any decent man, Republican or Democrat, consider him a loser.

    I do not love either man. But I highly respect and admire both.

  4. 1 day ago on Gary Markstein

    So, vote for Democrats in Congress, reelect Joe Biden and impeach the tainted Supreme Court members.

  5. 1 day ago on Clay Bennett

    Typical of this poster to use the difficult, challenging missions our heroic military faces and use them to attack a president who made a risky, dangerous decision.

    That pier is an amazing piece of marine engineering and the men and women who constructed it are absolute professionals. It did not sink. Several support vessels came unmoored.

    Carter showed profound courage authorizing a difficult, risky mission. When it failed he accepted the blame as a true leader should and NEVER tried to place it on the men involved or their equipment.

    God Bless Jimmy Carter and Joe Biden for their service to our country.

  6. 1 day ago on MythTickle

    “This is Tao, a deer, a female deer.”

  7. 1 day ago on Wallace the Brave


    Drat! I just posted the same comment, down below. Now I’ll have to delete it! But it is perfect here, isn’t it?

    Friends, if you have not read the Tiffany Aching series by Terry Pratchett and met the Wee Free Men you are in for a treat.

  8. 2 days ago on Lisa Benson

    I am a fair minded American, and I believe that Mr. Trump has been given more than reasonable lee-way in this trial and all his others.

    Anyone who DARES accuse a person like Donald Trump had better be sure of their evidence and their legal procedures. He is a wealthy, powerful white man with a lifetime of being treated as if he were special. Now he is being treated like any other normal man and he does not like it.

    It ASTOUNDS me to think that intelligent, well meaning, reasonable people bend over backwards to make excuses for Donald Trump and his outrageous behavior. Donald Trump does not deserve your support, you are better than he is.

    If Trump had done what former presidents are supposed to do, and just GO AWAY, he’d be living the rest of his life, fat and happy, mocking Joe Biden. Instead he had to try and lie/cheat/steal his way back into office.

    All of Trump’s troubles are Trump’s own fault. I will feel no pity for the sad old man. No remorse. No mercy.

  9. 2 days ago on Grand Avenue

    If I recall there was an earlier comment which has since been deleted.

  10. 2 days ago on Lisa Benson

    You’ve never seen the threats Mr. Trump has made? Regarding consequences of his imprisonment? His failure to be (once again) re-elected?

    Sure, he’s clever, and he “couches” what he says in ambiguous language. He’s nowhere near as stupid as he seems. He’s at least clever enough to not make outright threats.

    But any child can see the intent. And people DO see it, talk about it, and are prepared to act on it.