About Studio Jantze

Welcome to Studio Jantze. This is Michael Jantze’s new GoComics page to share his sanity sketches, doodles, and new characters. No more digging around that awful Internet for all these gems!

New characters include Mr. Lux, a magical creature who can be anyone and everyone, Holly the wonder girl, silly homages to great cartoonists, and some of the old “The Norm” gang.
And! You can leave your suggestions for captions in the comments and make suggestions for the sanity sketches. Send an email (available from jantze.com), Michael will also try to keep up with comments as best he can. If you’d like behind-the-scenes commentary and pre-press privileges, check out Studio Jantze proper at patreon.com/jantze

Michael’s newspaper comic strip “The Norm” was syndicated to more than 100 papers and earned a Harvey Award nomination before  retiring “The Norm” to GoComics at gocomics.com/thenorm. Studio Jantze is the next step in Michael's creative journey! Come on in!

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