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  1. about 4 hours ago on Pedro X. Molina

    The other effective thing he did in 2020 was turn to the camera as Trump ranted and speak directly to the audience.

  2. about 6 hours ago on Pedro X. Molina

    He will deport enough people to provoke a profound labor crisis in the country.

  3. about 7 hours ago on Joe Heller

    In his era, there were such things as liberals and conservatives in both parties. Chances are that if Daley were here today he’d be a Republican.

  4. about 7 hours ago on Phil Hands

    Mass delusion by the deranged Trump is more like it. And there is ample evidence over decades that Trump’s only motivation is personal and transactional.

  5. about 7 hours ago on Michael Ramirez

    Yes, but rich people have lots of money left over after paying for the goods and services they need. Poor people usually spend all the money they make, so sales taxes, which they have to pay to get their stuff, will take a bigger bite of their disposable income. Did I really have to explain that to you?

  6. about 7 hours ago on Dana Summers

    Biden always speaks in complete sentences. Bad enough listening to Trump ranting – read a transcript of it. Gibberish.

  7. about 7 hours ago on Pedro X. Molina

    All Biden has to do in the debate is remain calm and rational, and provoke Trump into anger, which will produce irrational ranting.

  8. about 7 hours ago on Joel Pett

    Just be careful what you wish for. Some of the things he’s promised won’t be easily undone if you don’t like the results.

    When Liz Truss took office in the UK there were those that predicted instant prosperity. How long did she last?

  9. about 17 hours ago on Jeff Danziger

    So the majority of scientists are bad scientists, and your cabal of outliers are the ones that know what’s right?

  10. about 17 hours ago on Joe Heller

    Back to the original: only White male property owners could vote. That way the people who set up the system could theoretically, anyway, control it forever. One side here thinks everybody ought to have an opportunity to vote, the other side makes up conspiracies about fraud to mask the fact that they want to restrict the vote to only people who agree with their take on things.