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  1. about 13 hours ago on Lisa Benson

    There is the anchor baby issue. So many people think this is part of the constitution, it isn’t. The 14th amendment dealt freed slaves. This law was passed in the 1960’s to benefit American Military families living on US bases in foreign countries. Babies born while their parents were stationed overseas bases were not American Citizens. The way it worked at the time there was a US consulate official who had an office at the Hospital who took care of the paperwork to make this child a naturalized citizen of the US. The Parents left the hospital with a Form -550 Certificate of Naturalization, and the child’s birth certificate. By law this was changed so if the parents were American Citizens so were their Children. Lawyers tried to add to that the parents of any child born in the US was a American Citizen therefore so were this child’s parents. That part was thrown out but the American born child was a Citizen stayed, and who was going to deport the illegal parents of this baby. Again this law not a right in the Constitution. This one change in the law to end “The Anchor” Baby would go along way to securing our borders.

  2. about 14 hours ago on Lisa Benson

    Figures are hard to come by thanks to gaslighting and deliberate concealment. but it is costing California’s shrinking tax base at least 22.8 billion annually, at the anchor children of these illegals and the is another 8 billion USD. These are figures from Federation For American Immigration Reform.

  3. about 14 hours ago on Gary Varvel

    Wow what towering ignorance. So stupid in fact that I will point this out to Juris Doctor friends of mine to read and laugh at. You are right it was a State case, not a Federal one. Because it was a Briggs who wrapped a bunch of misdemeanor booking errors with Federal violations that had nothing to do with the original misdemeanor booking errors that no one else would file charges on The huge error is a state prosecutor has no right to use federal law in a state case the New York State DOJ attorney has to do that in Federal Court. This alone will get the whole thing thrown out once it reaches the Federal Appeals court level. A Federal Judge is not going to let a local two bit City Judge horn in on his/her jurisdiction.

  4. about 15 hours ago on Mike Lester

    Yes the CCP even setup a CCP police station in NYC. Of course that is not what they called themselves it wasn’t until they had a run in with the NYPD they were discovered for what that were and were deported.

  5. about 19 hours ago on Mike Lester

    Simple why did the #3 DOJ official,Matthew Colangelo leave the DOJ and join the Trump prosecution as a senior prosecutor?

  6. about 19 hours ago on Gary Varvel

    I have never seen, historically, a political party commit suicide like this. The fact that the Trump campaign raised almost $40 million USD in the hours after the verdict from over 450,000 individuals is telling.

  7. 2 days ago on Mike Lester

    We will see what happens when this gets to appellate level and the conviction get reversed. This is not what Fox news is saying there are numerous legal blogs out posted by law professors across the country that are saying this.

  8. 2 days ago on Mike Lester

    Those are all misdemeanor charges the statute of limitation had run put on years ago. Briggs somehow grafted federal charges on to them to remove this limitation, Federal charge which the local Briggs has no jurisdiction on. Plus these Federal charges had been looked at and passed on by the Fed’s years ago.

  9. 2 days ago on Mike Lester

    nobody has any idea what Trump was convicted of. The jury was able to make up what they found him guilty of.

  10. 3 days ago on Mike Lester

    I am not going to waste my time with an answer do your own homework. Law professors, and retired judges are saying the same thing. The jury instructions alone have reversable errors