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  1. about 2 hours ago on Ted Rall

    When have I insulted you? If you don’t know what a fact which is the case is, then that’s not my fault.

    Bear with me and let me explain before you blow your top and embarrass yourself again. “Ashli Babbitt got what she deserved” , or “the sky is blue and grass is green” are statements of facts which are the case. “Ashli Babbitt was murdered by a bad cop” or “the sky is green and grass is blue” are statements of facts which are most definitely NOT the case. Facts that are not the case are more commonly known as “lies”, or as “alternative facts” if one were to believe Kellyanne Conway.

    Facts which are the case can never be insults.

  2. about 2 hours ago on Ted Rall

    No she wasn’t. Her pocket knife really doesn’t matter. She got what she deserved, but it could have happened to any other of the traitors participating in the Jan 6 riot. They had no business being where they were.

    Deal with it!

  3. about 5 hours ago on Ted Rall

    A statement of a fact which is the case can, by its nature, never be an insult.

  4. about 5 hours ago on Ted Rall

    No, she wasn’t. Like all Jan6ers she was at a place where she had no business being, participating in a mob assembled to disrupt a session of the senate and to kill the vice president.

    If the orange baboon gets reelected with Moscow’s help, god forbid, he will need to pardon these rioters to get them out of jail. This will be at least as bad as the pardon Ford gave to Nixon.

  5. about 6 hours ago on Ted Rall

    Nude pictures of Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal were found. Now the chain of custody is being studied, er, ignored.

  6. about 6 hours ago on Ted Rall

    It’s part of the package of lies Putain sold the GQP.

  7. about 6 hours ago on Ted Rall

    Lay off the Orange-Ade. Otherwise you may not survive meeting a cop while storming the Capitol. Orange-Ade messes with your brain. Your above comment is proof.

  8. about 6 hours ago on Ted Rall

    “Their” is correct, as it was used to paraphrase an illiterate MAGAt. That is what quotation marks are for, but of course, as an illiterate MAGAt you wouldn’t know that.

    You also don’t know what happens when you meet a cop while criminally trespassing. You think the cop might murder you, but you’ll just get what you deserve.

  9. about 6 hours ago on Ted Rall

    The fix is in for anyone who breaks the law. That’s the way America works. That’s why Biden won’t pardon Hunter, even if Hunter is wrongfully convicted. That’s also why it would be wrong for the orange baboon to pardon Jan6ers if elected.

    By the way, the orange malfeasance will not be able to pardon Ashli Babbitt if elected, because she got what she deserved. Deal with it!

  10. about 6 hours ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    And yet, in spite of all this, you apparently still support the orange malfeasance. Strange.