
John Campbell Free

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  1. about 9 hours ago on Bad Machinery

    The problem is, guys like that usually have guys of their own.

  2. 1 day ago on Bad Machinery

    Darren said a while back that he’d been in for six years. But Si thinks it’s only been five, and I’d trust his spreadsheets. Not because I think he’s particularly honest, but because undercounting it would cost him another year of compound interest.

  3. 2 days ago on Bad Machinery

    Mildred does not know these important fax because she is such a good vegan.

    The earlier strip with Romesh and Daz originally came between the strip we saw yesterday and this one.

  4. 3 days ago on Bad Machinery

    Incidentally, that Tackleford City Football Club bedspread was what was on Darren’s bed during his first appearance in Scary Go Round.

  5. 3 days ago on Bad Machinery

    Panel 3 here got redrawn to make Claire less on top of Linton. There was also shading added, most noticeably on Colm’s face.

  6. 5 days ago on Bad Machinery

    So this is Romesh Sengupta, possibly Darren’s only remaining friend. Certainly the only one who seems to have gone to the trouble of contacting him after he went out of fashion. We’ll be seeing more of Romesh.

    Romesh has questions about that WASP tattoo. Darren doesn’t have answers, because he’s an idiot.

    This was another originally single-row strip that was expanded to double-row to fit the page format for publication. The top row was added. This is also not where it originally appeared. It’s moved up a couple of strips, to the middle of the Claire’s party sequence rather than coming at the end of them. You can tell from the sky that it’s later here than it was in Friday’s page or will be in tomorrow’s.

  7. 8 days ago on Bad Machinery

    In the original Web posting, Mildred’s last line was, “Is her real Dad… by any chance… in fashion?

    Also for some reason the coloring is noticeably lighter than in the original, or in the other pages in this scene that precede and follow it.

  8. 10 days ago on Bad Machinery

    You know what else vegans don’t eat, Mildew?

    Kit-Kats. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that hot dog we saw you with at the end of “Forked Road” was tofu or something. But those were ’60s Kit-Kets. All the milk chocolate and twice the suffering.

    Years from now, these two will be sitting across a table from each other in Efe’s Kebab Shop while Mildew chows down on shawarma and talks about what a good vegan she used to be. I don’t know who she thinks she’s fooling.

    She’s not making up the bit about the octopus, though.

    This was originally a single-row strip that got expanded to fill out the page for publication. The whole top row was added, and the last panel was redrawn completely differently, though the dialogue stayed the same. I’m not sure why; I think it might have been because the perspective was wonky in the original art.

  9. 11 days ago on Bad Machinery

    Sonny has the force and current axes swapped.

    There was a guy in some of my electrical engineering classes who was born with only one hand. He could do generators, but not motors.

  10. 12 days ago on Bad Machinery

    That’s actually even older than Lord Dimwit Flathead’s Great Underground Empire. That’s the pirate maze in the Colossal Cave.