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  1. 2 days ago on Joey Weatherford

    Now border crossers are invading from space? Trust Abbott to get ahead of this y’all.

  2. 6 days ago on Scott Stantis

    Anything that can continue to teach itself becomes sentient. Can AI teach itself morality? If so, will morality become just another dry abstraction in a massive data base? Humans still continue to massacre themselves over their own competing moralities. Can AI do any better? Would it even want to? Would it “care”?

  3. 6 days ago on Pedro X. Molina

    Politician donors want cheap exploitable labor. This is why no comprehensive immigration reform has been passed in decades.

  4. 6 days ago on Tim Campbell

    B v BoE is rendered void with the introduction of segregated For-Profit private and vouchered Evangelical schools not subject to inclusion and diversity regulation. Segregation ala 21st Century.

  5. 6 days ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    Trump’s journey is being extended by his own legal strategy to delay all verdicts of all his indictments. He and Goldwyn can’t complain about the journey if they make pains to extend it. What man (if innocent) benefits from delaying or avoiding the verdict of his trial? Trump knows he is not innocent. He is nailing himself to his own cross for the pity vote. Poor St. Donald!

  6. 9 days ago on Gary Varvel

    Amazing leap of logic Mr Varvel—spanning light years from what is reality to what is not reality. Throw in some swastikas for effect and your day is done. Your brain never even got out of idle. Easy money.

  7. 26 days ago on Joel Pett

    Download our free app!! Give us your phone number, address, email, X, and Facebook user name!! Link your debit card identity to our email notice of payment!! Make it easier for us to get into your private and financial life with the least amount of effort on our part!! Be stupid so we more easily fleece you!!!!,

  8. 30 days ago on Lisa Benson

    It starts off as students protesting Netanyahu’s long time and latest efforts to wipe Palestine off the map. Then always (as you see), other players get into the mix, spinning the protest as generic Jewish hatred, pro-Hamas terrorism, Iranian stooges, anti-Christian-American elitism, left wing radicalism, etc etc etc. Hippy protesters whose only wish was to stop the Vietnam war were painted as communists, cowards, dope heads, freeloaders, fornicators, and etc etc etc. The common thread being, a simple protest stemming from a simple goal—peace inevitably draws in “outsiders” who for their own reason air grievances that have nothing to do with the original goal of the protest. The original effort to bring peace gets drowned and disappears into in a sea of rhetoric, noise, confusion, and raw hatred. Yet again.

  9. about 1 month ago on Dana Summers

    Is Summers referring to Bill Barr and Hilary?

  10. about 1 month ago on Michael Ramirez
    I suggest sir instead of Fox News to define fascism, you should use an Oxford dictionary to define fascism—“an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization”. A “liberal” fascist is a contradiction in terms. Is Biden a liberal? Again, in what way is Biden a fascist?