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  1. 29 minutes ago on Jeff Danziger

    Should the police try to capture the terrorist or bomb your house?

    Now that I think about it, in 1985 the Philly cops did bomb a block of row houses where members of MOVE, a black-liberation organisation were living.

    The MOVE members, who had moved to the row house in ‘81, constantly irritated their neighbors by leaving trash around the house, confrontation, and political messages delivered via bullhorn. Finally the city decided to evict them and, when that didn’t work, bomb them out.

    The cops dropped 2 bombs, a mix of Tovex and C4, the latter supplied by the FBI, on the roof of the rowhouse from a State Police helicopter, and the city allowed the subsequent fire to burn itself out, killing 11 people, 5 of them kids, and making 250 innocent people homeless by destroying 61 apartments in 2 entire blocks. Only 2 members of MOVE escaped alive: Birdie Africa, 13yo at the time, and Ramona Africa, an adult. Both were badly burned, and reported that they had not been allowed to escape by the police, who shot at anyone trying to do so.

    No cops or city officials were ever charged, tho the Police Commissioner resigned his office as later the Health Commissioner also did.

    Ramona Africa, the only surviving adult, spent 7 years in prison, possibly for refusing to testify against the deceased members of MOVE, but technically for “riot and conspiracy”.

    3 lawsuits were filed, one by Ramona Africa and 2 by the next of kin of 2 people who had died, and a court determined that the cops had used excessive force and violated search-and-seizure law. It didn’t bring those children back to life, tho, or provide the 250 victims with places to live.

    It was later found that the remains of 2 of the children were appropriated by UPenn for use in a forensic anthro course. The city’s Health Commissioner resigned after it became known that he had ordered all surviving remains cremated and disposed of without any effort to learn the victims’ identities.

  2. about 1 hour ago on Ted Rall

    That’s a very mild characterisation. Actually, the courts were colluding with the D* alphabet organisations to deny Nader not just his customary rights as a candidate, but his legal rights as well.

  3. about 16 hours ago on Ted Rall

    With only a Democracy, 100 billion plus 1 tell 100 billion what to do. The vote of 100 billion plus 1 can discriminate with bigotry to the minority and marginalized.

    Not in a Jeffersonian democracy.

  4. about 23 hours ago on Ted Rall

    Were you looking to vote GOP then?

  5. 1 day ago on Ted Rall

    You should read Theresa d’Amato’s book on being Nader’s campaign manager.

  6. 1 day ago on Ted Rall

    People of good will don’t disagree that much about right v wrong regarding significant issues. Someone who thinks, e.g., that genocide of innocents is okay is not a person of good will

  7. 2 days ago on The Knight Life

    Because the ones with the most power can’t be oppressed

  8. 2 days ago on Arlo and Janis

    If you’re experiencing fatigue/ listlessness/fogginess and interpreting that as lack of motivation because you’re normally a live wire, you might want to get checked for ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder, the quiet form of A. D. Hyperactivity D.)

    Many adults have it but aren’t being treated for it because GPs aren’t trained to recognise the symptoms.

  9. 3 days ago on Doonesbury

    Oh how saddening :-(

  10. 3 days ago on Jeff Danziger

    The closest bomb was over a mile outside the designated safe area. Hamas had been using the safe area to store munitions, and those munitions started the fire in the safe area

    Offer some evidence