Bead braid p

I Mad Am I Free

Recent Comments

  1. about 21 hours ago on Dogs of C-Kennel

    MORE often then the average owner would like to admit!

  2. about 21 hours ago on The Barn

    No. The “Hard Way” is if Jr was eating spaghetti – with sauce! Staining that snow white fleece into pink with bright red blotches that would make many question if he was bleeding.

  3. about 21 hours ago on Ginger Meggs

    “Dogs come when called. Cats let it go to voicemail.”

    Royalty do Not do the work of peasants. They do not fetch and carry. And they most definitely do not answer a call. But! Bring bandages if the food dish is empty! Because the cat will go to WAR!

  4. about 21 hours ago on Mike du Jour

    Thank Goodness it’s Saturday!

  5. about 21 hours ago on Scary Gary

    That IS a shot(glass) size! He is asking for a larger serving. Personally, I think the barkeep should bring his serving in a pitcher! Or a fifty gallon drum! Nothing is going to erase his cushy life! ;)

  6. about 21 hours ago on Speed Bump

    Could you imagine the images you would receive if you had a camera!? Wait… that might be bad. How do dogs greet each other again? (grin)

  7. about 21 hours ago on Strange Brew

    “Norse” than usual! ;)

  8. about 21 hours ago on Wizard of Id

    I’m going to narrow down your rant by the words that are capitalized – The Chinese Slavery Idiots. I would like to point out that the Great Wall was built by Slaves. And the Idiots – were buried IN the Wall.

  9. about 21 hours ago on Loose Parts

    Best to Be Late at – your funeral! :)

  10. about 21 hours ago on Mother Goose and Grimm

    Grimmy flunked because he acted up! He acted like a CAT! About the best of that lineup of abilities is – Play Dead! ;)