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  1. about 20 hours ago on Flo and Friends

    I love crosswords that are just “words” and not names of people in Hollywood or TV shows or movies or other arts… just WORDS !!!

  2. about 20 hours ago on Family Tree

    There are things that weren’t an issue or the job of stay at home Moms years ago… WWII really opened up a new world for women, who spent 4 years working men’s jobs while they were away fighting, and then got sent back to the kitchens, but decided the outside world was something they wanted too… but today’s mommas have so much on their plate than moms of yesteryear!… Carpooling, chauffeuring your kids from one extracurricular event to another, or even to play with someone who lived at a distance, wasn’t part of their “job”.. and the way todays kids are spoiled little brats for the most part, also makes her job harder… .. and even most men who put in 8 hours, want to be treated like a spoiled kids as well when they come home, and “relax” after putting in a hard day’s work (ha-ha).. and even if the woman does get a job to supply the extra $$ needed, like her own car, for chauffeuring the kids, and money for all the sports equipment all the kids seem to need, and dance recitals, and now, for a smart phone for everyone, the housework is still there, but the kids are too busy and the husband too “tired” to help!!

  3. about 21 hours ago on Broom Hilda

    I read someplace that way back during the plague, there were some who were much more advanced than the poor village people who knew all about destructive “agents”, and the “death” we depict was actually a person dressed up in hazmat clothing spreading the “seeds of death” with an instrument that the people at the time described as a scythe…?

  4. 2 days ago on The Born Loser

    It’s a marketing ploy to get more money for less … The big get bigger (the holes) and the small (doughnuts diameter and thickness) …get smaller … They should start calling them “diet doughnuts”…

  5. 3 days ago on The Middletons

    Yeah… she is “under age”…! Though in some countries, it might be too old!

  6. 3 days ago on Grand Avenue

    At least teach NEAT printing!

  7. 3 days ago on Ginger Meggs

    Going by the drawing, if you straightened out the bars, there would be a piece missing from each…. maybe he BIT them out!!

  8. 4 days ago on Ginger Meggs

    The ones most in favor of gun control are the real criminals… they won’t go along with any laws taking them away from THEM and there are plenty on the black market… and all gun control laws would do is disarm anyone who just wanted it for self protection against criminals. Cops only show up after the crime has been committed, when you are possibly all ready dead, to make a report!

  9. 5 days ago on Arlo and Janis

    “Trashing” isn’t mentioning something that happens to be true… it’s more like the lies they tell about “others”.. Anyway, obama did like to send little messages that few knew were slams… like searching for a dog that was all black, with just white feet…that he walked on, (that he turned around and hired a “dog handler” to feed it and walk it, and even fly on a separate plane with) or how he LOVED “pie”.. or at least a “piece of the pie”..and sitting in the Oval Office with his feet up on the desk, showing the “bottoms” of his shoes… or even crossing your ankle over the other knee for the same reason …. he did like his little “private” messages to be sent to those that understood his language!

  10. 5 days ago on Adam@Home

    What about her eyes? Must be a bunch of men commenting this morning! “My eyes are up here!”