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Addled Brain Free

Carrollton, Georgia USA

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  1. 1 day ago on Gary Varvel

    fusllier, I thought it was an open secret that 2AndFour is Varvel, commenting on his own cartoons. Is there any question ?

  2. 3 days ago on Gary Varvel

    Once again, Conservatives stoop low .. making accusations about something that hasn’t happened. Where is their shame ?

  3. 4 days ago on Lisa Benson


    The bill you refer to is unConstitutional. It would redefine the nature of our Country, which has been cherished by both Parties since the advent of the Parties and by the Citizens of the United States since our formation. That Republicans have even proposed this bill, and had the temerity of actually pass it in the House, shows how far the Republican Party has fallen. It’s a glaring embarrassment to those of us who love our Country.

    The Republicans should pass the bill they constructed to address border issues.

  4. 4 days ago on Lisa Benson

    : kmichael, please review US Immigration policy. Just because an immigrant comes across our border, no matter how they do it, they are not illegally here until it’s decided so by a US Immigration judge (which Republicans refuse to supply necessary resources for). This would be easy for you to research.

    Also, I never said, “…democrats [sic] don’t want them to come in….” I said Democrats are neutral on the matter except to the extent it helps the US economy. This is the second time I’ve said this directly to you. Please focus.

  5. 4 days ago on Lisa Benson


    kmichael, first you’re going to have to come up with a source for your claim that the “democrats [sic] want them to come in”. Maybe farmers want them to come in to harvest crops but Democrats, as far as I know, are not in favor nor opposed, except to the extent that it would help the American economy.

    More importantly, kmichael, it can’t be known if they’re illegal until a judge decides so but, unfortunately, the Republicans have defeated the bill that would get the necessary judges to be able to do it.

  6. 4 days ago on Lisa Benson


    kmichael, the bill that Rep. Schumer rejected is aimed to change the character of our Nation and therefore it’s unConstitutional. We’re a Nation whose foundation is to respect Human Rights. We will not allow that sacred vow to be usurped by dangerous, destructive partisan politics.

    The Republicans should pass the bill they constructed to address border issues.

  7. 4 days ago on Lisa Benson

    1BLM, you misspelled Trump’s name.

  8. 4 days ago on Lisa Benson

    BWR, indeed, we have had atrocious justices on the Supreme Court. Two currently on the Court stand out : Thomas and Alito.

  9. 4 days ago on Lisa Benson


    Dwight, I’ll mention something else that’s cowardly, that both Parties are guilty of : They don’t balance the budget.

    They charge our kids and their kids for our expenses. That’s a most cowardly act ! Each generation should pay their own expenses and not pass their expenditures on to the next.

    That’s aside from the point that the amount we pay for interest on our enormous debt (not one dime goes to the principal), an amount that would pay all of our defense expenditures every year, comes right off the top. It buys nothing except Congressional cowardice.

  10. 5 days ago on Lisa Benson

    Now, Dylan did sing the Lightfoot song, “In the Early Morning Rain” on Self Portrait. Peter, Paul and Mary also sang it.