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JonGoss Free

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  1. about 3 hours ago on Luann

    i agree you’re being too literal. These transformations for love and friendship have been around for maybe even centuries. Hans Christian Anderson’s “Little Mermaid” – which this story is reflecting. Also note the characters- written by a six year old – were willing to make this change under their own consent to hang out together. Lastly, physical transformation is visual literary device to serve as an analogy of inner change and emotional sacrifices we make to be be with people we care about. All is fair as long there is consent for that change and it’s not for us to judge what these critters do with their own gills or paws as we have zero insight into their internal monologue or needs whether we agree with them or not. shrug Either way it only affects their lives and doesn’t impact anybody elses happiness directly and if it was mistake, then Puddles and Monstro will deal with the consequences on their own.

  2. 4 days ago on Luann

    Luann’s last comment has parents feeling seen from all the people who never had to raise kids, but know EXACTLY how much better they would be if they had to.

  3. 6 days ago on Luann

    I’m not offended if people don’t want to play with my kids. Heck, I don’t even want to play with my kids all the time. Bernice is being a good pal, helping distract Shannon while Luann works on important school work.

  4. 11 days ago on Luann

    I know a lot storytellers change their plots because fans guess them, but Luann becoming an EMT or a nurse would be great. She could work in a children’s hospital.

  5. 12 days ago on Luann

    Props to you. I couldn’t commit to needle point unless it had swear words in grandma font.

  6. 12 days ago on Luann

    Rice milk! I never could get that stuff down. I’m an Oatly guy myself. I still drink milk and stuff, but the Oatly barista is the best thing I’ve ever had in my numerous cups of black hole-compatible coffee.

  7. 12 days ago on Luann

    I don’t think Luann is a doctor as much as a nurse or EMT from the arc. Doctor seems a bit much and too stressful for her character to pursue.

  8. 13 days ago on Luann

    I understand that, and I have been a Star Wars fan since seeing it in ’77, BUT I just never watched the prequels and sequels again. Also, this comic strip takes a minute of your day instead of a film that takes over two hours, plus expanded universe mythologies that were retconned after a corporate purchase. I can walk away from Luann at any time and lose 1 minute a day, whereas walking away from Star Wars is walking away from repeated watching or novelization and ownership of merchandise built around that connection.

  9. 17 days ago on Luann

    It’s always amusing to see grown men and women hate a comic strip they have followed for over a decade. I’m sure they are still drinking sour milk to make sure it’s actually sour and blaming the carton.

    That said, I think G&K are great writers for what this strip is and for how long it’s has run. It’s pretty tricky to transition from joke about a dog named Puddles and messy rooms, to becoming adults in the 2020’s. For BEtter and Worse was always about family life, where Luann was about who the comic was named after. Again, Karen has been helping write since 2014 ish, so yeah, if people are still reading and don’t like it, then shrug…I’d have better things to do to initiate a pleasure response in my brain. Feel free to use your imagination and include your mothers with that. Of course, you guessed it, I am talking about needle point!

  10. 19 days ago on Luann

    Maybe we’ll get an arc about her becoming an EMT…her brother can give her the what’s up on that.