
banjoAhhh! Free

Recent Comments

  1. about 4 hours ago on Rabbits Against Magic

    Mr. Wiggly: He’s in the 1st panel. Got no smart-* jokes today. Sigh.

  2. about 4 hours ago on Bozo

    The Godfather of Umbrellas:

    1st strip, 2nd panel: The UM finally got a job. He’s pushing a wheelbarrow up the hill.

    2nd Strip, 2nd and 3rd panels: He’s ignoring Bozo’s sign. In the 2nd panel, he’s climbing a light post, in the 3rd panel he’s running across the street without looking both ways.

    3rd Strip, 4th panel: He’s running out the door with a painting he just stole.

  3. about 5 hours ago on Rabbits Against Magic

    Brain surgery

  4. 1 day ago on Francis

    Ha! A Neil Young lyric!

  5. 1 day ago on Rabbits Against Magic

    Mr. Wiggly: 1st panel, justa boppin’ along to the cool tunes.

  6. 1 day ago on Jen Sorensen

    “Artificial Intelligence” is the creation of people on the autism spectrum.

  7. 1 day ago on The Flying McCoys


  8. 1 day ago on Bozo

    The Master of the World of Umbrellas:

    1st Strip, 3rd panel: Is our man on a bench? On a car? On a piano?

    2nd Strip, 3rd and last panel: Is that him sharing his umbrella with a stranger…no, no, no, no. He is in the last panel, running in the rain not using his umbrella. He must honor his possession and keep it away from any water. Boy that’s awkwardly worded.

    3rd Strip, 2nd panel: Just a-walkin’ down the street, happy he kept his umbrella out of the inclement weather.

  9. 1 day ago on Cul de Sac

    “Little boxes on the hillside, little boxes made of ticky tackyLittle boxes little boxes little boxes all the sameThere’s a green one & a pink one & a blue one & yellow oneThey’re all made out of ticky tacky and they all look just the same” —Malvina Reynolds

  10. 3 days ago on Rabbits Against Magic

    Mr. Wiggly: 1st panel, just listening to Weenus’ and Trixie’s conversation.