Desert wind minimalist by ekster 1

cybergal29 Free


Recent Comments

  1. about 13 hours ago on Garfield

    I did not see that gray banner. I use Google Chrome and live on the West Coast of Canada which might explain why I did not see it.

  2. about 13 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    On a side note, dear sweet Sophie is so happy that she has her window.

  3. about 14 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    I did not see that gray bar. I use Google Chrome. I also live in Canada (Burnaby, British Columbia) so there might be a difference here.

  4. 3 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    The only cicadas we get here are two types. The Canadian cicada (Okanagna = Oak-a-nag-na canadensis) found in the Northwest Territories and the common dog day cicada (Neotibicen canicularis) found in Eastern Canada.

  5. 4 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Next month, there will be more information about the development project for my BC Housing apartment and the other BC Housing apartment.

  6. 7 days ago on Garfield

    It was Buzz Lightyear and X-Men Evolution cartoons that helped get me through 9/11.

  7. 8 days ago on Garfield

    Indeed. You have to see if you can get them on DVD/Blu-Ray. I have Droopy Dog on DVD and every disc comes with a warning about that when the cartoons were made it was a different time, etc.

  8. 9 days ago on Garfield

    Nope, and they are not just for children as adults like us can also enjoy them :-)

  9. 10 days ago on Garfield

    And still was able to pull his beak back to its original position.

  10. 10 days ago on Garfield

    Same here.