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  1. about 8 hours ago on Animal Crackers

    At least he didn’t say “you look like a grandmother!”

  2. 1 day ago on Mike Lester

    At least being strung out on drugs explains a lot of someone’s aberrant behaviour.What excuse does Trump have, besides total egocentricity and no moral compass?The most important thing about the Biden trial is that he accepts responsibility for what he has done and is not complaining about the system – and there is no way his father would try to pardon him. All in complete contrast to Trump. Anyone who can’t see the difference is not only blind but pathological.

  3. 1 day ago on Lalo Alcaraz

    “Hispanics for Trump” is as dumb as “Gays for Palestine”… both are suicidally perverse.

  4. 1 day ago on Shoe

    Hmmm… don’t bet on it. I suspect THAT show closed long ago…

  5. 14 days ago on Chip Bok
    But then you get 30% of the country deciding for the other 70%… that cannot be justifiable in any sense of the word “fairness”.

    “Having a say” is one thing, rigging the system is another. The smaller states have their say when they vote… but the Republicans also rig the system here by changing the boundary lines, or closing down voting booths in Democratically stronger districts. If the less-populated States were in fact Democratically stronger, the Republicans would be yelling against the electoral college system as much as I am.

    IN the end it is all a falsifying of the entire idea of democracy.

  6. 16 days ago on Chip Bok

    The only reason the Republicans win ANY election is because of the electoral college making a relatively empty state count as much as one with milllions more people in it. Without the electoral college the Republicans would have been sent out to pasture decades ago.

  7. 17 days ago on Mike Lester

    What planet are you living on? Trump follows NO rules whatsoever, refuses to obey court orders, has nothing but contempt for law, order, good governemnt, truth, justice OR the American Way (as it used to be known)… nor has there ever been such an unworthy candidate for teh presidency in the history of ANY country…and just to remind you: he DID lie about having top secret documents, he DID hide them away and lie about having any more he DID obstruct justice every way possible on this issue he DID conspire to lie to the American public and pay hush money to Ms Danielshe DID call the Governor of Georgia demanding that he find extra votes so that he could pretend he had won the electionhe did demand that Pence NOT accept theofficial vote countand he DID egg the crowd on to take control of the Capitol.

    Biden had NOTHING to do with any of that – Trump has created every single one of his major problems ALL by himself… oops…not quite true… he had a gullible elctorate and a pathologically cynical GOP to help him every step of the way. You are just a minor cog in the machine, but you are still part of the problem. And dumb enough to actually expect people to believe you! SHEESH!

  8. 17 days ago on Chip Bok

    I presume ChipBok is a Republican. Only a Republican would call Biden “senile”… he can at least string complex sentences togather coherently and knows the difference between right from wrong! That already puts him far ahead of his adversary, who has to count on a disingenuous electorate that wants entertainment more than probity.

  9. 25 days ago on The Born Loser

    My memory isn’t as good as it was, so Ijust looked her up to remind me of some of her other quotes, and found one I hadn’t known before – which is typically Ms Parker: “The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue.”

  10. 25 days ago on ViewsEurope

    Europe (and the USA) should have told Putin within 3 days of his entering Ukraine that he had 48 hours to turn around or they would all be coming into the fight. The only way to beat a bully is by standing up to him. Then they took months to give Ukraine what was needed; always enought to keep the fight going on, but not enough for them to win. After all, it’s good for the armaments business, no?

    As for Palestine, Europe has already caused ONE Holocaust. Now by backing Hamas instead of Israel – they are going to create another, then cry crocodile tears. The MEDIA are to blame here.There are 1.5 Billion Mulsims in the world and only 16 Million Jews; The Media need viewers and readers to survive. 1.5 Billion Muslims provide more potential viewers and readers than 16 Million Jews, so OF COURSE they promote the Palestinian narrative even if it is basically lies. Example: The Media constantly talks about Israeli “genocide” of the Palestinians.Journalists should know the MEANING of words, no? Genocide of the Jews is what the Grand Mufti was sreeking when he met Hitler in 1942.. Genocide is when Hamas’s Charter calls for the complete destruction of Israel and the death of Jews everywhere. Israel’s killing of Palestinians is NOT from intent. They did NOT START the war; they would stop in two minutes if the hostages were released and Hamas surrendered. Collateral damage is NOT “genocide”. The collateral damage is Hamas’ fault because they COUNT ON high civilian deaths for their propaganda so they use theri own people as shields. Meanwhile the Media keep telling us the death toll using figures which come directly from Hamas and are possibly bogus.Without pointing out that we are never told how many of the dead are really Hamas combatants – VALID targets. All this to make theworld assume that the dead are ONLY civilians. Reality: about HALF are combatants.This is not “genocide” it is manipuulation by the Media, intent increasing their Bottom Line!