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  1. 1 day ago on Crankshaft

    Not so. Batiuk explicitly removed the ten-year time difference between the two strips during the final months before Funky came to an end. Harley Davidson, the time-traveling janitor (aka TimeMop®, the Rather Elegant Solution™), said some nonsense about how his meddling in time had inadvertently put Centerville and Worstview ten years apart, but after assuring that Lisa’s daughter would write a book that would lead to global unity or somesuch, he straightened all this stuff out. So there is no longer a time difference between the two towns.

  2. 1 day ago on Crankshaft

    Burp? I had a somewhat lower opinion…

  3. 3 days ago on Crankshaft

    The Worstview marching band and/or the Bedside Manure Jazzed Combo Featuring Lizard Lil will be on stage, performing the Claude Barlow soundtrack. Because that’s the only way they’ll get the music written in time for the Big Dump. And because “Movie theaters are for band performances!”

    This will of course block the audience’s view of the movie. Whether this is a bad thing is up for debate.

  4. 3 days ago on Crankshaft

    You keep using that word, “troll,” to describe people who are making honest, thoughtful, and often humorous comments about the strip, while not applying it to those like yourself who post insults and personal attacks. Cue Inigo Montoya…

  5. 3 days ago on Crankshaft

    “Why am I getting the distinct impression that it’s not funny at all?”

    Because, Hannah, the blue pill is wearing off. You are starting to see reality. Here, take this red pill…

  6. 4 days ago on Crankshaft

    Crankshaft launching a grill was the special-effects highlight of the movie. Budget was a bit lower on this one.

  7. 4 days ago on Crankshaft

    You seem to have us confused with Cliff Anger, the star of the original “Starsuck Jones” serials. The scenario you describe is pretty much how he was introduced to FW readers when this whole silly thing got started many years ago.

  8. 4 days ago on Crankshaft

    Interesting… I had thought that there was a single randomly-selected comic for the day, and everybody got to see the same one. Not so; you get a different random comic each time you click the button. I clicked it twice to verify this. First click got me 12/25/18, in which Cranky’s passed out from too many rum balls and snoring like a sawmill. Jff remarks that he “brings a new meaning to ‘sound asleep’.” A passable gag that produced at least a smile. Second click got me 12/30/20: two panels of Ed struggling to get a static-stuck piece of cellophane to let go of his fingers, and a third in which he says “maybe the shower…” Again, a passable gag and a chuckle.

    What both of these random strips have in common is that they’re about actual things that happen to people. We’ve all seen somebody who snores like a buzz saw, and we’ve all had a piece of plastic film stick to our fingers and refuse to let go. I would submit these two strips from the “gag-a-day comic” are closer to reality than the current “quarter-inch from reality stories” involving a Hollywood star popping in to ask if he can use your little rust-belt town’s second-run movie house (which, by the way, he owns) to debut a big-budget sci-fi movie.

  9. 4 days ago on Crankshaft

    “When does it drop?” You mean, when does it arrive at the very bottom of the box-office charts? About twenty minutes after the first showing begins.

  10. 4 days ago on Crankshaft

    We don’t know because Batty has never shown us even one frame of the “Starsuck Jones” movies, just a few posters (on Sideways Sunday, of course) and of course many shots of the filming process and many, many strips with nothing but people talking about making a sci-fi movie. Good times (not really).