Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons by Al Goodwyn for May 05, 2024

  1. Pat new 150
    Patjade  28 days ago

    Meanwhile, in the ALternate Universe…

    Desperation starts creeping in as more developments happen in the Von ShitzInPantz trial, so he and his fellow RWers start flinging any kind of feces (plenty being supplied by their Messiah) at the walls, hoping something sticks. When will they realize that they are the only ones it’s sticking to?

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    GOGOPOWERANGERS  28 days ago

    Just like his massiah Al also has no morals

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    aristoclesplato9  28 days ago

    So far not much is going the Democrat’s way. Most Americans think the trials are a joke.

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    Kurtass Premium Member 28 days ago

    Law and order party my ars. Jack Teixeirai is sitting in jail. Numerous January 6th “tourist” are sitting in jail. Cohn already spent time in jail. Yet traitor trump is still walking around free. Law and order party my ars.

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  5. Wtp
    superposition  28 days ago

    Envious of the billionaire’s unfailing business acumen and uncanny ability to bend the law to suit his wants, the devious liberals try to tarnish his innocence using his own words and admissions taken in context.

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  6. Sunimage
    Sun  28 days ago

    A second Joe Biden presidential term would be lethal for America and American Workers.

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    preacherman Premium Member 28 days ago

    Sorry, Al, but your dictator in chief had it coming, and much more. Though I wouldn’t tar and feather anyone, not even El Dumpo, cause it is a horrible form of punishment. And Dems, like your donkey, wouldn’t deny Dump they right to speak since that is his right under the US Constitution, you know, that document your guy wants to abolish.

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  8. Animals being weird
    wildthing  28 days ago

    “Lawfare” is what the republican controlled Supreme Court has been practicing for the last 50 years. Activist republican Justices have legalized political bribery, endorsed GOP voter suppression, approved reckless deregulation that has cost taxpayers trillions, and are currently delaying Donald’s most serious trials until after the election in an open display of election interference.

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    suzalee  28 days ago

    Trump is not a victim. He never has been. We all have to take responsibility for our actions.

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    Dangerguy  28 days ago

    It’s genius in a way: Trump’s long game was to plant the idea among his worshipers that the Democrats were going to try to steal the election. And despite the fact that because of this the 2020 election was the most monitored , fairest election in history, his people saw what they wanted to see. To this day nobody has shown anything other than anecdotal evidence (it kinda looked on a grainy surveillance video like….), and after years, nobody has admitted to doing ANYTHING of the sort, which in a conspiracy as big as this would have had to be, would surely not happen.

    Trump has clearly indicated what his plans are, not to “restore” America in any way but to mold it to his narcissistic whims and rig things so that his side can never lose again. One-party governments quickly become corrupt because there is no opposition to steady things.

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  11. Celtic tree of life
    mourdac Premium Member 28 days ago

    Funny how Panama has disallowed the leader in the national polls for president to run because he was just convicted of money laundering while the U.S. dithers with Perp45.

    Trump 2024: 20 to 24 years in jail.

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  12. Yin yang
    Havel  28 days ago

    Maybe some of the critics should listen to the evidence before expounding on Trump’s “innocence”. But that might upset the delicate apple cart of justifications supporting the most corrupt presidential candidate and president we have ever had, so I know that is highly improbable.

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    Al Fresco  28 days ago

    I’ll give one to you snowflakes. Trump has hinted at a big rally at Madison Square Garden.. In 1938 the German American Bund held a rally of 20,000 Nazis at, you guessed it, Madison Square Garden. Now how many of you will repeat it? When with CNN, MSNBC and their parrots pick up on it? The Left’ TDS hate knows no bounds.

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    DC Swamp  28 days ago

    If you can’t beat him, delete him! Meanwhile, cadaver Joe keeps sinking, an April CNN poll show 61% thinks his presidency has been a failure.

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    Henwood  28 days ago

    ^^^@Al Viziato: Hitler also decorated Henry Ford. What’s your point, snowflake?

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    Henwood  28 days ago

    ^^^@Swamp: Despite your polls without any reference, it is the orange baboon’s past misdeeds that are literally deleting him now, not anything the Dems are doing.

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    davidthoms1  28 days ago

    Trump is the one who has wielded lawyers as weapons his entire career.

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    librarylady59  28 days ago

    I don’t understand how his followers can still anxiously listen to his ceaseless whining and constant blaming others for tribulations of his own making. He is a deeply depraved human being. I’d almost feel sorry for him if he weren’t trying to destroy our democratic republic.

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    ComicLover2 Premium Member 28 days ago

    Mocking things with the idea of “lawfare” when the orange messiah chanted “lock her up” for years and years? T-rump is such a whimp he can’t handle being treated like anyone else would be. He still wants his pacifier and his coddling. Poor baby t-rump. Maybe his diapers need changing again?

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    ChristopherBurns  28 days ago

    When Black Panther (the real ones) Bobby Seals repeatedly interrupted the court in the Chicago 8 Trial he was bound and gagged in court. Judge Julius Hoffman sentenced him to 4 years in jail for 16 charges of contempt of court.

    Mr. Trump is getting off easy.

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    Ontman  28 days ago

    Goodwyn lies on Sundays too. I’m shocked.

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    Jack7528  28 days ago

    Sounds right!

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    kennecwk  28 days ago

    Rule of Law is not Lawfare. Rule of Law applies to regular people, scofflaws, presidents, and presidents who are scofflaws.

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  24. Sunimage
    Sun  28 days ago

    The Rule of Law does not apply to Lawless Democrats since Lawless Democrats are proud owners and founders of ‘Defund the Police’.

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    piper_gilbert  28 days ago

    Trump has a setup outside the courtroom complete with microphones and cameras for his idiotic rants. He is hardly being silenced. We should be so lucky.

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    lsnrchrd.1 Premium Member 28 days ago

    A dozen or so layers of tar and feathers needs to be applied to this … load … Goodwyn posted today.

    Following a couple hundred applications of hydrogen peroxide.

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    leonardonyc  28 days ago

    this is about the gag order , unfair it most defensively is, gagging just one side of the trail is bad enough gagging just the defendant is terrible . and is a terrible case legally! is 100% political

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    GiantShetlandPony  28 days ago

    Traitor Trump hasn’t been able to not speak. Which is why regardless of any court rulings he will be found in contempt of court.

    BTW, the gag orders do not prevent him from testifying in any of the trials. He is free to plead the fifth or further incriminate himself.

    Pretty sad Traitor Trump’s preferred defense is as a former President I should be able to break whatever laws I want, whenever I want. His lawyers argument, only TT should be given presidential immunity for everything, anything, and life. Sadly, we have corrupt so called conservative justices trying to find a way of arguing the same thing.

    Disgusting. Only fascist tyrants want to be ‘president for life’ and full immunity from their crimes.

    Let’s not let that happen.

    Always vote smart and vote during the primaries to keep those that would sell out the USA out, and kick out the ones who’s actions did not match their words.

    Never vote for anyone who says government doesn’t work. What they are really saying is “I’m not going to do any work while I’m in government.” They will definitely not do any work that benefits the majority and those that make America work. They will only work to give those that already have the most, more.

    Best answer for now and likely many more elections: Vote Democratic up and down the ticket!

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    casonia2  28 days ago

    Oh, spare me, Al!

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  30. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  28 days ago

    Trump flipped out on Biden ‘Gestapo’ in ‘profanity-laden’ speech before donors

    Speaking with hosts Victor Blackwell and Amara Walker, she reported, “Well it was a 90-minute speech that Donald Trump gave at his Mar-a-Lago club on Saturday and I’m told that it was a pretty profanity-laden speech. The former president cursed on occasion while railing against special counsel Jack Smith and as well as others who are leveling their criminal indictments against him.”

    “And you’re right, at one point in the speech, Donald Trump had even compared the Biden administration to the Gestapo, further trying to equate them to Nazi Germany,” she added. “Now, Donald Trump also used the speech to lavish praise on some of his vice presidential contenders, including many of them who actually called up to the stage.”

    According to NBC News, Trump raged, "These people are running a Gestapo administration. And it’s the only thing they have. And it’s the only way they’re going to win in their opinion.”

    Every traitor Trump accusation is a confession. Fascist Trump says he would be a dictator on day one.

    Coward Trump the totally corrupted liar is getting desperate now that he actually has to face the courts for his crimes against the USA, He is squirming like a worm on a hot rock.

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  31. Rabbit hat
    s49nav  28 days ago

    “I thought the Bragg case against Trump was a legal embarrassment. Now I think it’s a historic mistake. This is such a vague allegation against ‘a criminal scheme to corrupt the 2016 Presidential election’, which has me more concerned than ever about Bragg’s unprecedented use of State law and his persistent avoidance of specifying a Federal election crime. As a reality check, it is legal for a candidate to pay for a non-disclosure agreement. Hush money is unseemly, but it’s legal. It is not ‘election fraud’ to try to get yourself elected!”

    Jeb Handleman Sugarman, The New York Times

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  32. Braveheart
    Free or Not? Premium Member 27 days ago

    Just Outstanding Mr. Goodwyn! I have had to get several empty 55 gallon drums to catch all the leftist tears being shed here. And they are DELICIOUS!

    The TDS crew is on tilt. They can’t handle truth and can’t deviate from their mind virus programming.

    They wander about like brain-eating zombies (Because they have none of their own), bumping into each other and groaning… T-rruuummmmppp,……TRUUU-mmmmmmmmm——pppp, TRUUUMMMMPPP!!!

    Just hilarious. The zombie orcs unable to comprehend the dictatorship they are building as Ole Demented Jone has his marionette strings pulled by the Globalists. They tell him: “Sic the DOJ on your political opponents”!

    These zombies troll about like the slow mob they are. All it takes is 1 or two people with bats to totally destroy the entire zombie horde……

    Cry Leftist zombies….CRY!

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    DrDon1  27 days ago

    Goodwyn has become a tRump sycophant … No other reason to present this LIE!

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    ncorgbl  27 days ago

    No one on the left is trying to silence tRump. His own words will convict him.

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    jader3rd  27 days ago

    You’re crazier than how you made that Donkey look.

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    Union Man  27 days ago

    Goody, you whine a lot. Wawawa…

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  37. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member 27 days ago

    Goodwyn just cannot draw a cartoon without LYING.

    Like all MAGAts.

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  38. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member 27 days ago

    How many MAGAt commenters here actually believe Their Messiah is prohibited from testifying by the gag order?

    Seriously, anyone?

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    zendog13la  27 days ago

    I bet Al roots for the Nazis in Sound of Music.

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    Grandma Lea  27 days ago

    All that tar, but unlike the methane from the La Brea Tar Pits, tRumps gas stink so bad they clear complete courtrooms of people

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    The Nodding Head  27 days ago

    Was a time when conservatives didn’t support criminals. I ‘member.

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  42. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  27 days ago

    This right wing propaganda misrepresentation of law and reality is disturbing.

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    vwmdabbler75  27 days ago

    Based on P01135809’s past despicable behavior and recent pronouncements, no self-respecting American should be endorsing him ….so what should we think of the supposed adults in the Republican party like Mitch McCONnell, Bill Barr, Lindsay Graham etc who still endorsed him?

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  44. Rabbit hat
    s49nav  27 days ago

    Out of thin air, Alvin Bragg conjured up expired misdemeanors, dumped them into a blender, tossed in a garbage state statute that doesn’t apply to a federal election, hit the “puree” button, and then poured out an absurd concoction of faux felonies.  

    Bragg should turn himself in to authorities for impersonating an honest lawyer. To fulfill his campaign promise to nail Trump, he’s manipulated the law and mangled evidence to engineer a wrongful conviction. He targeted Trump in a textbook case of selective prosecution. 

    Americans are rightly offended by this big top spectacle. They resent seeing the leading candidate for president taken off the campaign trail and tied up in court by a partisan enemy. The boomerang effect will be spectacular but completely predictable by everybody but Old Slo Joe.

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  45. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  27 days ago

    ‘The projection runs deep’: Trump adviser says ‘gestapo’ comment applies to ex-president

    Donald Trump’s recent comments about President Joe Biden’s “Gestapo,” made before a gathering of rich donors in Palm Beach, actually stem from “projection,” a former Republican National Committee staffer who rose to advise the Trump White House on national security issues said.

    Former Mike Pence Homeland Security staffer Olivia Troye appeared on CNN on Sunday, and was asked about Trump’s recent statements in which he compared Biden’s presidency to Nazi officials.

    “He’s now comparing the Biden and his administration to the Nazi secret police,” the host said.

    “I think that comparison is completely abhorrent,” Troye said. “I think there should be no room for that in political rhetoric. There’s no comparing to what he’s referring to.”

    Further, she said, “having worked in the Trump administration, the projection runs deep because I think that when he’s talking about things like that, it’s sort of how he would like to run things.”

    “I think that comparison is completely abhorrent,” Troye said. “I think there should be no room for that in political rhetoric. There’s no comparing to what he’s referring to.”

    Further, she said, “having worked in the Trump administration, the projection runs deep because I think that when he’s talking about things like that, it’s sort of how he would like to run things.”

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    Rich Douglas  27 days ago

    Right. No one can hear Trump. Sure.

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    Ivan the Terrible   27 days ago

    Baroden is getting the “Soros Gaslighter Award” this month and a free trip to Haiti. This gaslighting TDS non-entity needs to be returned to the asylum.

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member 27 days ago

    The news just came out George Soros and other rich DemocRats have been fundingthe college campus protests against Israel as reported on Politico

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    SameAsOldFfred  26 days ago

    AP: Money isn’t enough to smooth the path for Republican candidates hoping to retake the Senate. Four steps Republicans can take to gain votes: 1) Dump Trump; 2) Stop treating women like breeding stock; 3) Welcome immigrants back into the work force; 4) Divest from genocide

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    calliarcale  26 days ago

    Yes, it’s so terrible he’s actually held somewhere slightly approximating accountable* for trying to disrupt the judicial process.

    *Real accountable would be thirty days in prison for contempt, which is what you or I would’ve gotten for exactly the same behavior. Jury intimidation is pretty serious business.

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