Clay Jones for May 04, 2024

  1. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  29 days ago

    Those who refuse to learn from history keep throwing the rest of us under the bus.

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  2. Missing large
    smartman  29 days ago

    It’s telling that most universities immediately rejected divestment. Most of these schools have huge endowments, and those investments can’t be returning that fabulous a return that you have to keep them. That’s making me very suspicious. Breaking into buildings isn’t the answer though. However, it was interesting that the Orange Fuhrer wanted them all bashed in by the police for doing exactly what the 1/6 people did. Guess someone told him that these people are mostly non-white.

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  3. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member 29 days ago

    MAGAts don’t consider it bad when students get shot.

    Just another opportunity for Thoughts And Prayers.

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  4. Taz by abovetheflames
    danketaz Premium Member 29 days ago

    Somebody might have to take another picture.

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  5. 2005 christmas pictures 037
    Zuhl's Wife  29 days ago

    It’s 1970 all over again. Google kent state 1970

    It’s what the MAGAs crave/

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    cdward  29 days ago

    I’ve noticed the protests have been peaceful until right-wing agitators come in and start the violence.

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  7. P1000380
    A# 466  28 days ago

    Mitch Daniels’ stock dropped today. (Daniels was governor of Indiana and is president of Purdue.) He expressed appalling opinions of how to deal with these protests, the same sort of attitude that led to Kent State. I have always disagreed with Daniels politics. None the less, he seemed to be a competent administrator for the university. I have, until today, considered him a thoughtful, intelligent man. I even thought that his presence in a US presidential campaign would have elevated the process above its usual nauseating nadir. But this article today in the Indy Star reversed all the positive aspects of my opinion; Daniels is nothing more that a grumpy old man who, besides knowing the cost of everything and the value of nothing, is now putting forward failed policies of the past as a way to deal with protests of the present.

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  8. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  28 days ago

    Stand behind your National Guard, standing in front of them is dangerous.

    The Trump admin would have the military arrest every protester and send them to some camp in a red state to be guarded with Magas with AR-15s.

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  9. D2368647 e8f6 4012 b9e8 ca2bb82f553b
    DC Swamp  28 days ago

    The NYPD professionally removed the junior jihadists from Hamilton Hall and their illegal encampment at Columbia at the request of the university. No shots were fired, no one was killed.

    The LAPD professionally removed the leftist anarchists from their illegal encampment at UCLA. Word has it their demand for vegan food was not fulfilled. Some leftists tried to stand up to police, but go exactly what they deserved, zip tied like wild animals and hauled off. My absolute favorite was a couple of these idiots who tried to rush the police with pieces of Rubbermaid trash cans as shields. The cops flattened these little maggots effortlessly. No one was killed.

    In both instances these little darlings left piles of trash and debris, and damaged property for others to clean up. So much for caring for Mother Earth.

    At UNC-CH, these junior jihadists removed OUR American flag and replaced it with a foreign flag. Some patriots arrived and protected that American flag, despite the junior jihadists lobbing bottles and other objects their way, raised that flag and sang our national anthem. I’ll side with the patriots.

    These pro-terrorist useful idiots have the right to protest “peaceably” all they want, but they have crossed that line many, many times. When they cross that line there are consequences.

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  10. Anarcho syndicalismvnnb   copy
    gigagrouch  28 days ago

    ^^i stopped reading at “junior jihadists.” i recommend others do as well.

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  11. Yin yang
    Havel  28 days ago

    At a number of universities, negotiations have led to deals that have given each side some of what they want. I suspect for some extremists (both sides), that’s a “loss”. Very sad.

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  12. Tonto crop
    Tonto & Redd Panda  28 days ago

    The best way to discredit a peaceful protest, is to send in a bunch of troublemakers. Think about that. Bunch a kids, holding up signs, next thing, some guy is busting windows. Why?

    People say I’m cynical and they’re right.

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  13. Large img 20240309 222454 2
    Chazz  28 days ago

    They only care about the fetus. Once you’re born they want to hate and hurt you.

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  14. Can flag
    Alberta Oil Premium Member 28 days ago

    The worst.. would be to expose who is sponsoring these demonstrations.

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  15. 3 stooges
    tee929  28 days ago

    Fortunately, “Nixon ain’t coming”….

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    ragsarooni Premium Member 28 days ago

    Today is the 54th anniversary of Kent State…..lest we forget…..

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  17. Unnamed
    Another Take  28 days ago

    I’d made a Kent State reference in a right wing political comic only to be told that those kids deserved it for damaging property and scaring the Guardsmen. What a sick world some of those MAGAs mentally live in.

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    ShadowMaster  28 days ago

    Today is the anniversary of the tragedy, Remember Kent State,

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  19. Rat
    clayjonz creator 28 days ago

    Most of these protests have not been violent or as Toad and right-wing cartoonists claim, “pro-terrorists.” That’s BS. I’ve actually visited one of these colleges during the protests and I found none of the stuff they’ve described. I wonder if Toadboy or any of our right-wing friends have visited these campuses to verify their claims. It’s weird how much they enjoy watching kids get beat up by cops. It’s weird that they hate these kids but claim January 6 terrorists were patriots and tourists.

    Here’s the thing: Shut up about these protests until you recognize January 6 was an insurrection.

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  20. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  28 days ago

    Clay said the trolls should shut up about the protests until they admit the matter of objective reality that January 6th was an insurrection. No, until they admit the matter of objective reality that January 6th was an insurrection, they should shut up about EVERYTHING.

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    hurricanejerry  28 days ago

    The tv was on Fox news at the gym yesterday. The only thing they showed was the protests for the hour I was on the elliptical machine.

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  22. Wile e coyote
    Totalloser Premium Member 28 days ago

    protesting in favor of a terrorist organization Hamas who started this war, does not relate to protesting about an war we we fighting to bail out the French

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  23. Missing large
    AtomicForce91 Premium Member 27 days ago

    Apples and oranges

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