Eric Allie for November 06, 2023

  1. Furious dancing
    drbethdance  7 months ago

    Being Palestinian DOES NOT MEAN someone is a member of Hamas. And funny how you ignored a similar statement when Inmate NO. P01135809 made it about white supremacists.

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    Dwight Schmiddlapp  7 months ago

    Excellent cartoon, Mr. Allie!

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  3. Picture
    ChristopherBurns  7 months ago

    No one is saying that (except Hezbolah and Iran). You’re flat out lying. Hamas does not equal Palestinians.

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    DrDon1  7 months ago

    Besides ignorance, Allie reeks of ‘Stiglichism!’

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  5. Yin yang
    Havel  7 months ago

    Here we go again with the broad brushed strokes. So much fear of the Squad with all of their EIGHT members (of the 213 Democrats in Congress). Gotta have that bogey(wo)man out there to scare “true” Americans that .0375% are really the ones in charge, right?

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  6. Chimp
    Lou Nattic, né Stan C  7 months ago

    Is this a tacit admission that the orange sh!thead did in fact support the white natzees in Charlottesville? I thought that was being vehemently denied.

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    davidthoms1  7 months ago

    Disgustingly and cynically inaccurate. Hamas is not the Palestinian people!

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    calliarcale  7 months ago

    Hamas was elected by less than half of all citizens of Gaza — fifteen years ago. Since then, those with means have left. There was a coup attempt, but it failed, and Hamas has brutally repressed any subsequent attempts, shutting down all further votes; they rule by fiat now. The median age in Gaza today is 18 which means most people alive in Gaza today were not able to vote in that election at all by virtue of age. So it cannot be said that Hamas fairly represents the Gazan citizenry. There isn’t much they can do about it, though. They cannot vote them out. Some of them tried to expel Hamas; they died for their trouble. Some have left, if they were able; others stay to take care of those who cannot, knowing that Hamas isn’t going to do it. And a great many more simply have nowhere else to go, or cannot afford the documents needed to get permission to cross the border and leave. (That, by the way, is the main reason why so far only people with foreign passports have been leaving. It is very complicated for citizens of Gaza to travel.)

    In most times of war, yes, there really are good people on all sides. Most citizens in a conflict are just normal people trying to live their lives. That’s part of why it’s considered a war crime to target them instead of military targets. This is in stark contrast to the Charlottesville march that Allie is alluding to, which was not a war but a protest march. There’s a difference between combatants and non-combatants, and if Allie can’t see that, it’s telling. It’s also pretty telling that he can’t see the difference between Hamas and the people of Gaza. Can he see the difference between Likud and the people of Israel? Or can he see the difference between Joe Biden and himself?

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    Anonamoose Premium Member 7 months ago

    Wow…this ally guy is worse than skelly. False equivalence AND painting a whole people as terrorists. What a twofer.

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    cracker65  7 months ago

    He stole a Trump statement for this one.

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  11. Get smart shoe phone
    gopher gofer  7 months ago

    Excellent cartoon, Mr. Allie!

    no, it’s a dumb cartoon that twists the truth…

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  12. Cigar smoker
    Jack7528  7 months ago


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  13. Catinma
    BeniHanna6 Premium Member 7 months ago

    Such fine words. People like this would have fit quite well in with Nazi and Japanese Empire sympathizers during WWII.

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  14. Img 0910
    BE THIS GUY  7 months ago

    Apparently, all the right wing cartoonists are getting the same marching orders. Bob Gorrell published the same cartoon. Ironically, the only one to say those words is the man these RWNJs worship: Donald Trump

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    The Dem Veteran   7 months ago

    Eric do you understand that Isreal was born of a terrorist movement?

    The founders of Isreal murdered British soldiers while Britain was fighting Nazis.

    There is plenty of moral low ground for all of the parties involved.

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