Bill Bramhall for October 21, 2023

  1. Th marvin da martian
    Flashaaway  8 months ago

    You really need an outside country to reform your political system for you. Have a look at overseas models to see which system would suit you best.

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    knutdl  8 months ago

    Who is the elephant in the room?

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    aristoclesplato9  8 months ago

    Do not doubt for a minute that the mess in the House is the result of political games by the Dems. They have no interest in compromise. They voted out McCarthy who willingly worked with them. They continue to vote for a leader who has lost 20 or so ballots over the past few years. Yet refuse to vote for anyone else but their anointed loser.

    No way in hell will this House elect the Democrat as leader. So the Dems control which Republican they could elect and work with. Something they refuse to do.

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    cmxx  8 months ago

    One of the stupidest tenets of the House Rethuglican faith is: Never vote with Democrats and never work with Democrats. No matter what the Democrats propose, the thugs will vote against it. They care nothing about doing their basic job: responsibly governing for the good of the people and the country.

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  5. Tj
    • Thomas  8 months ago


    You sound just like Trump, or maybe Doug Ford. Obviously, you are not an American. Canadian maybe, or Russian – it really don’t matter.

    Here you are, day after day, hacking on everything American that you possibly can with knee-jerk reactionary ‘final solutions’ and/or scathing contempt. Fine. We can take it.

    The Constitution of the United States of America empowers our citizens to govern themselves.

    And we do just that [always have] in an evolving manner, deeply flawed by the nature of all human beings. We sure ain’t giving up democracy now.

    Our system of government is superb — people often are not. As America rolls through the generations we learn, grow, and make progress.

    Flashaaway, we are an amalgamation of nearly every different kind of human extant. If you have no objection, mayhap we just keep progressing & reforming without all the un-Constitutional reactionary hoo-ha.

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  6. Celtic tree of life
    mourdac Premium Member 8 months ago

    The fogs of delusion are thick with those blaming Dems for the absolute Repub clown show in the House.

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  7. Get smart shoe phone
    gopher gofer  8 months ago

    Do not doubt for a minute that the mess in the House is the result of political games by the Dems

    this gem of disinformation provided a good chuckle…

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    Conservative Man  8 months ago

    Ya they are all so wonderful

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    Dani Rice  8 months ago

    If America could see the mess that is the United States, America would invade the United States to liberate the United States from the tyranny of the United States.

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    rs0204 Premium Member 8 months ago

    This group of Republicans needs Democrats to be in charge. They don’t want to govern, and they don’t want the responsibility. Governing is hard. Writing a Bill and shepherding it through Committees takes time that could be spent writing tweets. Furthermore, you have to make compromises and work in good faith with the other side. Both concepts are beyond their ability.

    No. This class of Republicans wants to be on the sidelines, throwing tantrums, making sound bites, and getting on Faux News. Let the grown-up Democrats pass legislation and help the country. You can vote no for the TV cameras, then go home to your district and take credit for the bill anyway. Your voters don’t know any better; they will still vote for you because you have an ‘R’ by your name.

    Therefore, have the dozen Republicans in actual swing districts vote for Hakeem Jeffries. He will become Speaker and take the pressure off of you, and you can go back to blaming Democrats for everything Republicans do wrong. This will get you out of the hole you’ve dug for yourselves.

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    piper_gilbert  8 months ago

    Newt Gingrich killed compromise in the GOP. Win at all cost, by any means necessary.

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    Sprarklin  8 months ago

    The propaganda media will not tell you the issues that are at the center of the debate.

    The MAGA republicans want the budget broken up into separate departments in order to shed a light on where the money is actually going. The RINO republicans and the democrats want to keep the budget in one 1600 page behemoth they can sneak through in the middle of the night.

    The MAGA republicans want accountability on the billions that the democrats and RINOs keep sending to “Ukraine” and now probably more to the middle east. The RINOs and dems want to keep the money trail secret.

    The propaganda media will not tell the brainwashed what is actually going on.

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  13. Johnny w 2
    Tarzan & Redd Panda  8 months ago

    The GOP has a surfeit of imbeciles. A plethora of knuckleheads. A superabundance of supercilious twits.A redundancy of redundant persons.

    Forgive my rough language, but sometimes……

    oooh, I get so vexed.

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    ShadowMaster  8 months ago

    The Founding Fathers would have ridden Trump on a rail, tarred and feathered.

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    cmxx  8 months ago

    No matter what system of government a country has, things can go bad because of the inclinations, goals, wishes and actions of individual citizens or groups of citizens.

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  16. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  8 months ago

    Maga hates everyone and makes death threats to anyone who isn’t Maga.

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    NatureBatsLast  8 months ago

    Compromise? Never, when “God” is on your side!

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