I slept and dreamt that life was joy.
I awoke and saw that life was service.
I acted and behold…
…service was joy.
- Rabindranath Tagore
My wife and I run our churches food pantry, where we not only hand out food, but information about medical insurance, and other services available to lower income people. Many days it is a joy to help people, but sometimes its just hard work. But it needs to be done.
The Muslim world did not attack the Trade Towers, a terrorist group did. Not unlike the domestic one that blew up the building in Oklahoma City.Maybe you should stay at the door with your shoes.
For some of us, service IS joy. Not a doormat, but rather the satisfaction that comes from HELPING. You do not, however,want to hit the point of “SERVICE IS MY ONLY JOY”
bpullin: I read snake’s first comment as a mirror. Unfortunately, I had to change my mind on subsequent ones..Zigman: Agreed. Unfortunately, the supermarket bakery department which had been giving us two-day-old bread (freeze it and it is refreshed), decided to cut the price to a nickle a loaf rather than to save lives. For the first time today, we had too little to take them and stuck it in the freezer in hopes that we will have more next week. For $25.00 profit, they will let documented “through the net” unemployables starve – and I will get total agreement with that view from fat and happy reactionaries. Negligent homicide goes with a full belly.
Hippo, you summed it up perfectly.Sad that we live in an “I’ve got mine, Jack. Screw you.” culture. My favorite saying:“We’re here to see each other through, not to see through each other.”
Sometimes we need to learn from the past. I just finished “Blood of Tyrants” today and have never had a greater appreciation for George Washington. Well worth the read!
Zebra=D about 10 years ago
Shortest Zen Pencils strip ever
Templo S.U.D. about 10 years ago
If those Indian pastries are free, how does she even get the money for the ingredients and the stove’s gas?
electricshadow Premium Member about 10 years ago
gorbag about 10 years ago
In other words, free food leads to population explosion.
Taste the air Premium Member about 10 years ago
Doing service does not equal being a doormat. I feel bad for you.
Vet Premium Member about 10 years ago
Maybe you should review Zen and Bengali poetry……no harsh feelings like that in there.Please leave your shoes at the door.
ziggman14304 about 10 years ago
My wife and I run our churches food pantry, where we not only hand out food, but information about medical insurance, and other services available to lower income people. Many days it is a joy to help people, but sometimes its just hard work. But it needs to be done.
ossiningaling about 10 years ago
The Muslim world did not attack the Trade Towers, a terrorist group did. Not unlike the domestic one that blew up the building in Oklahoma City.Maybe you should stay at the door with your shoes.
dmerritt7 about 10 years ago
For some of us, service IS joy. Not a doormat, but rather the satisfaction that comes from HELPING. You do not, however,want to hit the point of “SERVICE IS MY ONLY JOY”
hippogriff about 10 years ago
bpullin: I read snake’s first comment as a mirror. Unfortunately, I had to change my mind on subsequent ones..Zigman: Agreed. Unfortunately, the supermarket bakery department which had been giving us two-day-old bread (freeze it and it is refreshed), decided to cut the price to a nickle a loaf rather than to save lives. For the first time today, we had too little to take them and stuck it in the freezer in hopes that we will have more next week. For $25.00 profit, they will let documented “through the net” unemployables starve – and I will get total agreement with that view from fat and happy reactionaries. Negligent homicide goes with a full belly.
kaffekup about 10 years ago
Hippo, you summed it up perfectly.Sad that we live in an “I’ve got mine, Jack. Screw you.” culture. My favorite saying:“We’re here to see each other through, not to see through each other.”
vldazzle about 10 years ago
Sometimes we need to learn from the past. I just finished “Blood of Tyrants” today and have never had a greater appreciation for George Washington. Well worth the read!
PerkandCindy Premium Member about 10 years ago
No good deed goes unpunished .
Giovanna! about 10 years ago
So glad this had been picked up by GoComics!