Melania wrote in her new book her support for reproductive choice but, whereas she has no more authority than Hunter Biden and she’s said nothing previously, I’d question this as a ghostwritten attempt to humanize Trump
If ANY female who’s still functionally fertile votes for this guy they’re profoundly disconnected from reality and probably SHOULD have a protector. And of course the same for anybody who thinks women are people just as much as men… and who cares for at least one.
In my area, the Catholic cemetery next to a state highway has a couple of dozen small white crosses symbolizing babies labeled “killed by choice”. Lit at night like Xmas lights. It would be very appropriate in the plot of land next to that cemetery to have several dozen large white crosses, lit bright red at night, labeled “Women murdered for lack of available and deserved medical care by politicians and heartless religious fanatics.”.
Many have wondered how, in Germany in the 1930s, so many could be so enamored with their chosen leader. Is that not happening today right here in the good old U.S.A.?
And we Republicans are the ones full of hate. Why not when the left has out of context, comedy of absurd. Trump was talking about kids on studio sets. Something the left does not want to see. As for the Cat Lady, Vance was talking about women screaming about abortion when they have no kids in their lives and don’t want one.
Wow, Ruben never gave a hint he’d won the commission to do the graphic edition of the Project 2025/GQP platform! The 1950-60s cartooning style & Jane Jetson vibe lend the zeitgeist of a happier, simple time when America was great and certain people knew their place and kept their mouths shut!
The guy who said “I moved on her like a b*tch..I just start kissing them…l don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab em by the pu—y,” just told women he “will be your protector.”
Oh, goodie, I get to comment on the latest lies from this psychopath again. You and your sycophants should try doing a little research on what he actually has done and what he says every danged day. But its much easier for the easily led to distort his record and claim he’s lying when he actually belies everything you claim. Isn’t is ironic that free speech allows you to incite darkness any ol’ time you’d like… And on the funny pages, no less!
It baffles me that anyone could possibly believe that a malignant narcissist is capable of caring about anyone but himself. Traitor Trump would throw Don Jr., Eric, Tiffany, and Barron under a literal bus without the tenth part of a qualm.
How does a party get the label “pro life” when they do whatever they can to allow women to die, when they’re anti-vax, when they allow guns on every street corner, when they quash life-saving regulations, when they pretend to be blind to climate change because it’ll affect their donations?
1) Department of Justice (DOJ): Violent crime increased by 37% under the Biden administration, compared to a drop of 17% under the Trump administration. 2) Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE): 435,000 undocumented migrants with criminal convictions have been released by the agency to cities around the United States. 3) Nine states allow abortions into the final day of gestation. 12 states confer no legal status on aborted fetuses that survive. These first three are all data and statute. 4) It’s all over the Web what Trump actually said of the Charlestown riots. Jake Trapper even rebuked CNN for the lies. Harris is smart and informed; she knows, too. But she also knows that repeating then lie scare people and earns her votes.
Both candidates have their pros and cons. Most of you look like fools for just being led about by the leases around your necks. Have some pride and figure things out for yourselves.
salakfarm Premium Member about 2 months ago
And that’s not the worst of his plans.
Coopersdad about 2 months ago
Donnie tRump is just the kind of guy every father wants protecting his wife and daughter…….BARF!!!!!!
cracker65 about 2 months ago
This is so realistic it’s terrifying.
comixbomix about 2 months ago
And, in real life, these villains are writing themselves these exact lines.
syzygy47 about 2 months ago
Melania wrote in her new book her support for reproductive choice but, whereas she has no more authority than Hunter Biden and she’s said nothing previously, I’d question this as a ghostwritten attempt to humanize Trump
Concretionist about 2 months ago
If ANY female who’s still functionally fertile votes for this guy they’re profoundly disconnected from reality and probably SHOULD have a protector. And of course the same for anybody who thinks women are people just as much as men… and who cares for at least one.
Pickled Pete about 2 months ago
AND, they are saying it’s too close to call ! WOW! To be a citizen of what some describe as the greatest democracy!
I’d be calling it demockary!!
sevaar777 about 2 months ago
In my area, the Catholic cemetery next to a state highway has a couple of dozen small white crosses symbolizing babies labeled “killed by choice”. Lit at night like Xmas lights. It would be very appropriate in the plot of land next to that cemetery to have several dozen large white crosses, lit bright red at night, labeled “Women murdered for lack of available and deserved medical care by politicians and heartless religious fanatics.”.
jpozenel about 2 months ago
Many have wondered how, in Germany in the 1930s, so many could be so enamored with their chosen leader. Is that not happening today right here in the good old U.S.A.?
WaitingMan about 2 months ago
Hey, ladies. Are you pregnant? Planning a vacation? Visit Red State America and have the thrill of putting your life at risk!
Màiri about 2 months ago
What’s with the sweat pouring down Trump’s face?
Jack7528 about 2 months ago
And we Republicans are the ones full of hate. Why not when the left has out of context, comedy of absurd. Trump was talking about kids on studio sets. Something the left does not want to see. As for the Cat Lady, Vance was talking about women screaming about abortion when they have no kids in their lives and don’t want one.
Henwood about 2 months ago
^^@Jack: Right on cue comes the apologist of the indefensible. Please don’t feed him; let him get back to protecting the woman dumb enough to be his.
Decepticomic about 2 months ago
What a sweat sock. And a r*pist.
Wit Memo Premium Member about 2 months ago
Wow, Ruben never gave a hint he’d won the commission to do the graphic edition of the Project 2025/GQP platform! The 1950-60s cartooning style & Jane Jetson vibe lend the zeitgeist of a happier, simple time when America was great and certain people knew their place and kept their mouths shut!
bxclent Premium Member about 2 months ago
dotbup about 2 months ago
The guy who said “I moved on her like a b*tch..I just start kissing them…l don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab em by the pu—y,” just told women he “will be your protector.”
carlosrivers about 2 months ago
I’m not sure why no one ever brings up that third panel…
Dapperdan61 Premium Member about 2 months ago
So called protection from Dementia Don is the kind of protection you’ll get from the Mafia
wolfiiig about 2 months ago
The 1950s were so much fun it created Jack Kerouac and Neil Cassidy On the Road leading into Acid Tests and the Grateful Dead.
Another Take about 2 months ago
A really excellent effort today RB!
ComicLover2 Premium Member about 2 months ago
Accurate and timely. Sadly, some fools will still support T-rump and his henchman, V-ance.
ChessPirate about 2 months ago
Should be quite comedic as the Republican’ts attempt to “win our trust back”… ☺
Godfreydaniel about 2 months ago
I see the Jackazz is at it again…..How much lead does that troll eat per day??!!!
Godfreydaniel about 2 months ago
If only Traitor Trump’s mother had had an abortion instead of an abomination…..
notmoving Premium Member about 2 months ago
Oh, goodie, I get to comment on the latest lies from this psychopath again. You and your sycophants should try doing a little research on what he actually has done and what he says every danged day. But its much easier for the easily led to distort his record and claim he’s lying when he actually belies everything you claim. Isn’t is ironic that free speech allows you to incite darkness any ol’ time you’d like… And on the funny pages, no less!
Godfreydaniel about 2 months ago
It baffles me that anyone could possibly believe that a malignant narcissist is capable of caring about anyone but himself. Traitor Trump would throw Don Jr., Eric, Tiffany, and Barron under a literal bus without the tenth part of a qualm.
Stopthespendingnow about 2 months ago
Yes. Abortion policy is currently the only thing wrong with this country. Everything else is perfect and improving daily.
Godfreydaniel about 2 months ago
He would, I have to admit, have the tenth part of a qualm about Ivanka—but he would toss her under, for sure.
Mike Baldwin creator about 2 months ago
Skeptical Meg about 2 months ago
How does a party get the label “pro life” when they do whatever they can to allow women to die, when they’re anti-vax, when they allow guns on every street corner, when they quash life-saving regulations, when they pretend to be blind to climate change because it’ll affect their donations?
PoodleGroomer about 2 months ago
I want a WEIRD yard sign.
madmikelaw about 2 months ago
So does he protect her lady parts from him or for him?
Sun about 2 months ago
Remember, remember to vote Republican in November.
robcarroll1213 about 2 months ago
Any woman who would vote for Trump is an idiot. Oh, and the same goes for any man.
Wit Memo Premium Member about 2 months ago
Is that Jason Miller in the 5th panel? The caliber and character of the ladypartologists he surrounds himself with is a real tell.
Plumb.Bob Premium Member about 2 months ago
Oh come-on! Trump mispoke, it happens to the best of us. What he meant to say was “I will be your infector. I will infect women and the country.”
braindead Premium Member about 2 months ago
You’ll notice only one magat comment and that one addressed NONE of the substance of the cartoon nor the substance of any of the comments.
Only claiming that it isn’t Republicans who are full of hate. AS IF.
willie_mctell about 2 months ago
I thought that "I’ll take care of you, " and “I’ll protect you,” were at the top if the Dial 911 Now list.
Henwood about 2 months ago
^^^^@Sunstroke: Remember, remember, vote Dem in November!
eddi-TBH about 2 months ago
Join the Republican Party where the women cannot say ‘no’.
Sun about 2 months ago
Joe Biden gives credit to Kamala Harris for his failures.
notmoving Premium Member about 2 months ago
1) Department of Justice (DOJ): Violent crime increased by 37% under the Biden administration, compared to a drop of 17% under the Trump administration. 2) Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE): 435,000 undocumented migrants with criminal convictions have been released by the agency to cities around the United States. 3) Nine states allow abortions into the final day of gestation. 12 states confer no legal status on aborted fetuses that survive. These first three are all data and statute. 4) It’s all over the Web what Trump actually said of the Charlestown riots. Jake Trapper even rebuked CNN for the lies. Harris is smart and informed; she knows, too. But she also knows that repeating then lie scare people and earns her votes.
Both candidates have their pros and cons. Most of you look like fools for just being led about by the leases around your necks. Have some pride and figure things out for yourselves.
Vince M about 2 months ago
I get the vibe of a sleaze at a bar sidling up to a girl and saying he’ll protect her from any creeps around there, thinking “Yeahh, she owes me!”
FireAnt_Hater about 2 months ago
Scarily close to true reality…
Glib Sporgen about 2 months ago
Donald Trump is:
AndrewSihler about 2 months ago
“ladypartologist” is good!
Serial Pedant about 2 months ago
Hide your pets-or Vance, the Catless Child Guy will eat them!
Thomas R. Williams about 2 months ago
The celery stalk is a fine reference to the 1950s pinup illustrations by Art Frahm. We may infer that her knickers have fallen in the first panel.