The Grizzwells by Bill Schorr for August 09, 2024

  1. Large 1000000341
    Yakety Sax  2 months ago

    Didn’t Sign Up To Be (S)Exhibit A

    In the early 2000s, I was in my forties and a teacher in a girls’ school. I was walking down a corridor past a class of fourteen-year-olds. This particular room was open on one side to the corridor and, as I walked past, the entire class swiveled around and LOOKED at me.

    As you might imagine I was somewhat taken aback, but I just waved at them. Much to my amazement, the entire class burst out laughing and some, quite literally, fell to the floor laughing.

    A few hours later, I ran into the teacher for that class in the staff room and asked her what on earth had been going on.

    Teacher: “Oh, that was a sex ed class. We were just discussing dirty old men when you happened to walk past and wave…”

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  2. Eagleonjohnsons1
    Man of the Woods  2 months ago

    I love tinder, it’s like shooting fish in a barrel getting women, I been through a wide variety of women since I have joined. Some stayed with for a while, others just for the evening, it’s all good. Very, very good. And it makes you feel good knowing so many women want to go out with you. I have met some very beautiful women through tinder.

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  3. Intraining
    InTraining  2 months ago

    The Gunther we know is upstream eating the fish… no hook involved…!

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  4. Gocomic avatar
    sandpiper  2 months ago

    That’s an urge that has never waned. Fortunately it works, otherwise, life as we know it might have ended much sooner than promised.

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    Ulrig  2 months ago

    Hmm, maybe, but remember the 2000s don’t end until 31 Dec 2999 23:59.99999999999

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    NatureBatsLast  2 months ago

    Hmmm. . . 8 Billion and still rising, 420ppm CO2 and still rising. Overshoot?

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