Steve Kelley for March 15, 2019

  1. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz Premium Member about 5 years ago

    How low is Steve Kelley going to stoop? Ever since being fired by my local paper, the San Diego Union-Tribune as his connection to sanity declined, his connection to factual reality has been collapsing.

    Now this prevaricator is going to actually take a statement from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez when she said that immigrants were being treated as “10% better than garbage” and make it an attack on capitalism?

    Kelley is just jealous because this 29-year-old phenom is so much smarter and better educated than he, as a 60-year-old fossil (oops, quite a few years younger than me, an even older PROgressive fossil). A brilliant young woman less than half his age but more than twice as smart.

    Steve Kelley and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez both graduated with honors.

    She graduated with honors in International Relations and Economics.

    He graduated with honors in English. And was cartoonist for his school paper.

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  2. Triumph
    Daeder  about 5 years ago

    Lottery feudalism: It’s great because it maintains the illusion that you have a chance to become one of the comfortable minority who get to hoard the world’s wealth away from everyone else.

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    Darsan54 Premium Member about 5 years ago

    AOC is wrong about capitalism not providing; it has been a remarkable tool for raising the world’s overall wealth. However, she is right that without a moral and ethical foundation to provide equal access to its financial opportunities, then it becomes a weapon of destruction.

    The rich fight very hard to keep all the wealth only for themselves and bleed the rest of us dry. Then seem astounded when the revolution comes.

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  4. Bald eagle portrait
    Kilrwat Premium Member about 5 years ago

    NONE of the 17-19th century “-isms” work any more. We need some 21st century ideas to guide us into the future.

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  5. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  about 5 years ago

    Garbage cartoon.

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    brwydave Premium Member about 5 years ago

    Why is it that the Kelly’s and the Paine’s attack smart females? Does they think that America would best be served by taking away AOC"s dancing slippers, booting her out of the house and allow her to shine as a nanny for their kids?

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    VadimUzdensky1  about 5 years ago

    Explain this cartoon. Drug cartels are selling drugs. This is capitalism.

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    DrDon1  about 5 years ago

    Kelley, like #45, cannot accept intelligent women who “don’t know their ( subservient ) place!”

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    AndrewSihler  about 5 years ago

    Guatemala isn’t a “capitalist country”? When did that happen?

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    growapair  about 5 years ago

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