Red and Rover by Brian Basset for April 20, 2010
Rover, a penny for your thoughts. A snack. A nap. Belly rubs. Stick toss. Squeaky toys.. Chasing squirrels. Milky Bones. Walks. Dinnertime. Riding in the car with the windows down. I meant a regular penny. Not one of those touristy flattened-elongated souvenir pennies.
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Lots more than a penny on those thoughts, Rover!
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Very deep thoughts!
pamlicorat over 14 years ago
What, no drinking out of the toilet?
Plods with ...™ over 14 years ago
lightenup Premium Member over 14 years ago
These are a few of my favorite things…
Ashrey over 14 years ago
Get a human friend, Red. And, no, not that crazy neighbor girl.
glitterygal07 over 14 years ago
He’s a DOG. of course he’s going to think of those things. And he forgot chasing cats.
trekkermint over 14 years ago
found a penny that’d been run over by a train - elongated, but not touristy tourism pennies here cost fifty cents at the museum - pretty big profit i guess