Time to bail from this “update”. NANCY and HEART OF THE CITY got better in time. This crude, scratchy, style, alienates, rather the draw you into a story ( and a random one at that ).
Maybe this all seen through Gill’s eye. They say it takes a week to recover for everyday your in the hospital and everyone looks wretched and with DICK TRACY type arrows I couldn’t tell you who was who.
At first I thought this was a drug hallucination, Thorp was having, then it was an experiment printing, the rough sketches, before AI fixed things up. The sad truth, is this guy makes DRABBLE look like Milton Caniff.
Ok, I am not the only one, who thinks the Continuity Squirrel have been at work. Gill, get popped by a player, has what seems like a coma/near death experience and the vaguest of plot points are thrown out by the New Guy, who isn’t making any friends here.
Kind of, sorta of for some folks. I wasn’t one of them.