comics > movie
The inception noise when the dream is over?
This comic has thousands of memes built into it, as every comic that deals with this kind of stuff does
The best meme for unpopular opinions
yes indeed
the first quote in the last panel I think became the title of one of the books
google it
even for atheists, bible verses are still very wise
actually I remember a strip somewhere around 2020s where he sang “I wanna rock ’n roll all nite” by KISS, and another mention of him listening to nirvana in his college beanbag, so pretty sure he just likes rock in general
a kid callling a kid by their last name is already a compliment, grammar wise
reminds me of an old family guy episode, where peter made a comic of someone returning his “broken dishwasher” which was his wife
The inception noise when the dream is over?