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‘Pon my word, she won’t.
Wiley Coyote is away at a store buying an Acme rocket propelled skateboard.
Yes, and blue, with various abrasions and fractures.
That taste was due to the 50% rat-droppings content. The Food and Drug administration ordered it off the market, but it will be back Jan 21, when the FDA will be closed til further notice.
Woodstock could fly if he had ears like Snoopy.
But Snoopy is right. The cat doesn’t know: her snowflake had 8 points. Snowflakes in nature have 6 or variations on 6.
Gross? One man’s smorgasbord is another man’s swill. — Epicurus
My MD said at my last annual: “Your tonsils are in great shape, terrific shape, in fact the best I’ve ever seen. But that throat has got to go.”
Kumquat may.
A very rum Idea, Rat. How did you come to gin that up? Did I perceive a very rye expression on the neighbor’s face?
‘Pon my word, she won’t.