Large el dia los muertos craneo

bkdarling Free


Recent Comments

  1. over 1 year ago on Chip Bok

    Gcomics comrades love Big Brother.

  2. over 1 year ago on Steve Kelley

    A good cartoonist knows how to draw snakes out of their holes and from under their rocks.

  3. over 1 year ago on Ted Rall

    “Thank you for illustrating the point of my cartoon.”

    The gocomics comrades are circling the wagons, Ted! They’ll be sniping at the bearer of bad news all day.

  4. over 1 year ago on Steve Kelley

    Knock yourself out!

  5. over 1 year ago on Steve Kelley

    I hope the gocomics comrades take note of that.

  6. over 1 year ago on Steve Kelley

    “It does, indeed. If you make an assertion, you should be prepared to cite a source to support it.”

    As goes the adage: “What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.”

  7. over 1 year ago on Steve Kelley

    “The burden of proof is on the person who makes the claim, not on the person who denies (or questions) the claim.”

    All of that can be found easily on the web. Besides, I note that the gocomics comrades are quick to make a great many unsubstantiated claims/assertions. The matter cuts both ways.

  8. over 1 year ago on Chip Bok

    Two of the three should be in a federal penitentiary.

  9. over 1 year ago on Steve Kelley


    Do your own research.

  10. over 1 year ago on Bob Gorrell

    “So you want people to burn oil and die from pollution”

    So you want people to freeze in the dark. Got it.