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AhsokaLives (BNCSN News) Free

Ahsoka Tano, a BNCSN News Team Member.

Recent Comments

  1. over 3 years ago on Big Nate


  2. over 3 years ago on Big Nate

    no I promise to check the profiles and compare the numbers I’m the url

  3. over 3 years ago on Big Nate

    they just add it it doesn’t mean anything. Also, welcome back!

  4. over 3 years ago on Big Nate

    what was it??

  5. over 3 years ago on Big Nate

    i personally try to keep my replies to a low number unless it’s important

  6. over 3 years ago on Big Nate

    man i legit laughed at this :(

  7. over 3 years ago on Big Nate

    just a matter of opinion, lol. usually bc it’s either funny, helpful or creative

  8. over 3 years ago on Big Nate

    BNCSN Broadcast for August 17th, 2020


    -Since Thursday, I was gone to my cousins’ house. Apparently, while I was gone, this so called “imposter” took the liberty of impersonating me and posting a BNCSN update under my name. I assure you, dear reader, this was not me. I’ve been made aware some less than polite things were said by the person using my name, and I’d like to apologize for that.

    -Think about checking out the Big Nate Comment Section Discord Server if you’d like to chat about comics and much more, make suggestions for the BNCSN, and hang out with fellow Big Nate fans! The link is this: https://discord.gg/B5UUdkM!

    -The BNCSN has changed, and may continue so undergo further adjustments over the coming weeks. It is now taking place on every Monday and Thursday, instead of every day. Also, we kindly request that nobody ask to join the BNCSN team, as we have enough already. If we have an opening, I will ask the community for applicants on the Wiki, the Discord, and the comment section itself.

    Comic of the Day: https://www.gocomics.com/bignate/2013/07/28

    Shouout to the best comment from yesterday (btw guys everyone needs to step up their game, best comment has been Salty’s like 4 times in a row):

    Top ten anime betrayals”-Desbug For Smash (UwU)

    Thank you for reading today’s comment section news! I will be posting a news update every Monday and Thursday! If you have any suggestions for things we should report on, please let us know. Have an fantastical day and stay hydrated!

  9. over 3 years ago on Big Nate

    I just got back from a trip, whats the deal with verification? and how does one achieve it?

  10. over 3 years ago on Big Nate

    EVERYONE! the guy who did BNCSN on Friday ISNT me. I’ve been gone at my cousins house since Thursday, and just got home. all the comments between thrusday and now? ARENT ME. I do genuinely plan on making BNCSN a Monday and Thursday thing only. I apologize for any confusion