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jmmiller236 Free

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  1. 29 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    The road to your recovery will be a long and winding road indeed. Good luck.

  2. 29 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    “YOU (meaning me) need mental health assistance.” Excellent! Admission of the problem is the first step on the road to recovery, congratulations.

  3. about 1 month ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Really just something I thought of too late to add to above post- using your definition of traitor (which appears frequently from people on the right arguing the Orange one is not a traitor) Benedict Arnold would not be a traitor. Just something for you to consider.

  4. about 1 month ago on Pearls Before Swine

    I despise Biden and have no use for the current Democratic party- I am voting for them only because the alternative is objectively far worse. Based on this comment and your other posts I suggest you seek some mental health assistance.

  5. about 1 month ago on Pearls Before Swine

    As a former DA I can assure you people we ‘know’ our criminals are not charged on a routine basis for numbers of good reasons – mostly because we can’t use all the evidence and therefore cannot prove it to a court standard. Also, I suspect to the point of certainty, the Democrats picked the charges and timing very carefully for domestic political reasons and not justice. The timing on his criminal charges- it doesn’t take three years to bring charges- was set up to allow him to be the potential Republican nominee then to hit with convictions and criminal proceedings and assure an easy Democratic party win. Completely stupid planning but if some of the cases had arrived sooner etc. I would not be so sure but since all the cases follow the same timeline I honestly believe that was their ‘brilliant’ plan. If the Democrats weren’t so worried about being ‘cute’ and forcing Biden on us again instead of allowing an open primary the Orange one would have had his days in court well before this election and the Republican party could have considered then who they wished to run for president and maybe selected someone more capable (not that the racist demagogue isn’t supremely good at getting the slack jaw vote on his side). Anyway on a historical the Rosenburg’s and Confederates were called traitors and they were not actively seeking to directly do either of the things above. (Rosenburg’s indirectly maybe) so I stand by my use of the word. Thanks for the civil discussion.

  6. about 1 month ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Yeah, on the racist- aside from his obvious racist past the whole Springfield Ohio thing was completely a racist attack on legal immigrants of color and his calls to deport them anyway amplifies that. As for the rest, no one says ‘he lies all the time’ (nice blanket assertion/strawman about us liberal types) he lies but his intent is clear. January 6th was an effort to overthrow an election and install an unelected president which is treason- don’t need a court to figure that one out and the English language does not have a requirement for a conviction prior to validate a word’s meaning. As usual you will parse everything to excuse him and the Magats while making blanket assessments about the opposition with none of the same concern for details so no need to debate any further, we both know where the other stands. Thanks for finally finding some shred of human decency and respect for this nation and not voting for him this time.

  7. about 1 month ago on Pearls Before Swine

    For no better reason than historical note of interest, part of the arguments about not allowing women to vote was that it would be unfair because it would give married men ‘two votes’- based on the assumption the wife would always vote however her husband told her to vote (I think that had to be hilarious even then but it was an argument made fairly frequently in the debate). As for not insulting MAGAt’s we must disagree- if you have different opinions on tax rates etc. we can be civil, if you follow a racist treasonous demagogue who wants to set the American military on other Americans for disagreeing with him you get all the contempt and abuse I can offer.

  8. about 1 month ago on Baldo

    Chedder. Thought it would be nice to give you some cheese to go with your whine. Since the leader of you Magats claims he wants Hitler’s generals as well as being the textbook definition of a fascist it is, to say the least, rather logical to make the comparison and call out a warning as to where his demagoguery is likely to lead us. Aside from that you do realize that you first argued that people like Baldo need to ‘get over being offended and get on with it’ then you went on a rant because you got offended and refused to get on with it. Just as well to end this comment thread but as you go you might want to look up ‘hypocrisy’.

  9. about 1 month ago on Baldo

    ‘If interaction is abusive or threatening’- racist insults are abusive or is going back to a time when they were acceptable what you people mean about ‘makin’ Murika’ great again’?

  10. about 1 month ago on Baldo

    Boss pays you to wait on customers not to suffer racist (or sexist or pretty much any other) abuse. Being on the payroll does not make you a punching bag and if your boss insists otherwise you may have legal recourse to sue them for a hostile work environment. For the record most places I have worked at or dealt with would back the employee in this situation- I must be in a region where the worship of a dollar isn’t the major religion- I am honestly amazed at the number of folks here backing the racist (or at least insisting the racist not be held accountable).