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  1. over 9 years ago on Jeff Stahler

    If there is one thing that I am relatively certain of, it is that the more extremist in the gay movement do not represent the majority of gay people that want such civil unions. Just as I am equally certain that the more extreme movement among Christian Fundamentalists also do not represent the greater majority of church attending Christians. Plus, I personally am a Christian that has been married to the same wonderful woman for some 52 years now, and as I said, I have no objection to such civil unions at all, just as I feel reaonably certain that the majority of gays also do.

    Do you have actual factual knowlege of any church being forced by the majority of gays to even accept gays, let alone marry them? If so, then I would stand fully with you in opposing gays that would abrogate the seperation of church and state in such a manner! It IS that very seperation that allows people of all the various religions to live together in relative peace and harnony in this truly great country. And threats to that constitutional principle should not be tolerated from ANY group, regardless of religion or sexual orientation!!

  2. over 9 years ago on Jim Morin

    I do not disagree with your point. But do try to realize that most people have trouble reading ballot measures because they are written by lawyers. And lawyers on both sides of most issues write in such a manner as to obfuscate the issue at hand!!

    To say nothing of the fact that you usually find good arguments both for and against most ballot measures. As for voting for individuals, just who truly knows the individuals involved anyway? Most Americans are just struggling to keep their families or themselves above the waters of economic disaster (and that is regardless of just what party is in power) and really do not have the spare time to devote to voting intelligenlty. Unfortunately, I must admit that I can see the problem without seeing an answer! Does anybody here actually have a reasonable answer?

  3. over 9 years ago on Jeff Stahler

    As long as the marriage of same sex couples is not forced upon the churches, then I am all for sanctioned same sex marriages by the government itself. This guarantees both the civil rights of those that wish same sex marriages, and at the same time maintains the seperation of the church and state. I find it ironic when Christians are seemingly against the seperation of the church and state in this country. Not realizing that such a policy of the constitutional government not only protects the government from the church, but also protects the church from interference by the government just as much!!

  4. over 9 years ago on Jeff Danziger

    The deniers of Rapid Global Climate change keep bringing up that the Earth’s Climate has also changed in the past long before humanity even existed, let alone became such a poluting force in the world. And indeed they are not entirely incorrect in this. But, it is not just the changes themselves that count, it is far more important to look at the rates of those changes. Global Climate changes in that past were also far faster than plate techtonics types of changes in that they occured over thousands or tens of thousands of years instead of millions of years. The problem currently however, is that the latest changes have occured since the start of the idustrial revolution, only some 150 to 200 years ago. This is then a far faster rate of chenge than anything that just nature itself has ever come up with. So, the latest changes are so rapid that it should be obvious to even non scientist types that human activity now has a great part to play in these newest changes!!

    Beside this, there are plenty of very good reasons why we as the US and humanity as well should be doing more and more to stop the burning of fossil fuels. For the US itself, we should stop burning fossil fuels and start to use other renewable means to generate electrical energy and tranportation fuels. This would stop us from being beholden to very unstable and unfriendly areas of the world for those very fossil fuels!

    And, as both oil and coal are used for many other non burning uses that are the very base of our civilization, such as lubricating and colling oils for our manufacturing industries, our petro chemical industry, including the manufactuing of plastics, medicines, and even fertilizers for food production. This means that these fossil materials of both oil and coal are far too precious for even us currently, let alone our future progeny to just burn up into the atmosphere!

    Finally, that burning up into the thin and very precious atmosphere of the Earth itself is killing not only human life, but all other forms of breathing life as well. In fact, the main question is whether or not we will use up these precious commodities before we so pollute our world as to die off before we do use them up at all!!!

  5. over 9 years ago on Tom Toles

    I love it when I see the ultra Conservaives on this site continue to blame our current president for pulling out of Iraq too early. That is truly funny when you consider the truth that he actaully opposed pulling out so completely, but the Iraqi government insisted that the US do exactly just what it contracted to do between the government of the US (under presdient GW Bush) and the then Iraqi government. And further that same Iraqi government then insisted that if we did not pull out that our troops would then be liable to not only the Iraqi government, but even smaller more local governments as well. Something that the US government (regardless of just who was in power at that time) has NEVER done under any circumstances!!! This left president Obama with no other choice but to agree and pull us out of Iraq.

    And now, as this ISIS groups is continually attacking Iraq, not only that same Iraqi Goverment, but the ultra Conservatives as well (who oppose ANYTHING that president Obama does or does not do anyway) are mad about just what they all asked for in the first place. Heck, Shakephere himself could not have come up with a more rediculous scenario!!!