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Recent Comments

  1. 23 days ago on Amanda the Great

    One of the things I’ve been most impressed with is the general quality of their store brand items — they may cost less than the items, but it’s not because they are cheap-o versions.

  2. 24 days ago on Amanda the Great

    We are lucky enough to have Wegmans, where you are in immediate contact with your shopper. They will even send you photos of the shelf if your specific item is out of stock (plus, their store brand items are awesome). It’s so convenient, and their shoppers are so good, I do it to this day. It saves SO MUCH TIME and it actually saves us money (we do pickup rather than delivery) because we aren’t wandering around doing all the impulse shopping!

  3. 25 days ago on Rip Haywire

    “Turning into” as in taking a turn (left or right) to go down a drive to a home (house), I’m guessing.

  4. 27 days ago on Home Free

    So apparently comment spacing works about as well as their construction companies! E. T. Urnal Home Repairs, Ann Finit Construction, or Hugh Jerrur Renovations

  5. 4 months ago on Rosebuds

    I give up :-( Too bad — I really liked this strip!

  6. 8 months ago on Amanda the Great

    Accepting help is a sign of strength! Well done, Amanda!

  7. 12 months ago on AJ and Magnus

    “In the first place, we have Roz, who I always understood to be transgender and therefore not a drag queen (and only recently shown to be a performer at all), who is dressed, not as a drag queen in fact, but quite modestly, and entirely appropriately for reading to children, as Little Red Riding Hood. This is not what Drag Queen Story Hour typically looks like.”

    FWIW, transgender people can be drag queens as well. So can straight people. And your impression of “what Drag Queen Story Hour” seems to be pretty skewed — I’ve never seen one that isn’t modest and entirely appropriate for reading to children (of any age).

    Finally, how on earth is drag “mocking women”?! I know you admitted that you don’t like drag queens, but it seems to go much deeper than that…

  8. 12 months ago on AJ and Magnus

    Instead of wishing that a comic that obviously many people follow and enjoy “fade into oblivion,” you can just stop reading it. You have the right to not be forced to read what you don’t want to read — but you don’t have the right to decide what other people read.

  9. 12 months ago on Cat's Cafe

    Thank you for sharing, Maxx! <3

  10. over 1 year ago on Candorville

    I will miss you here! And will follow on the links suggested above. Thanks for all the work you put in for us!