
moni226 Free

Recent Comments

  1. 8 days ago on Peanuts

    According to a strip a few weeks ago, he got it in Nam. :)

  2. 9 days ago on Drabble

    This would definitely by my dad if we had a parrot as a pet. Only thing I could see different, instead of the Brady Bunch, it would be Perry Mason. My dad always said don’t F***, (excuse the language), with Mason after the show was over and start whistling the theme song. I could see the parrot doing the same. LOL!!! :) Oh and The Rifle Man LOL

  3. about 2 months ago on Drabble

    Just use that Badger bark, Wally!

  4. about 2 months ago on Drabble

    This makes me think of the Garfield strip when Garfield told Odie that Christmas was just around the corner. Odie goes to the corner of the hallway and looks to see if Christmas was there. Lol

  5. 2 months ago on Drabble

    Ralph probably ate most of those pepperonis as he was making the pizza!

  6. 2 months ago on Peanuts

    Wow he gave her a card!

  7. 2 months ago on Peanuts

    Did the Nam pilot salute in the last panel? I am curious if that would be a Bell Huey helicopter if the pilot served in the Vietnam War? Lol

  8. 3 months ago on Peanuts

    I hope the pilot flew to the school in that helicopter. :)

  9. 3 months ago on Peanuts

    I knew it! WWI Ace coming to the rescue!

  10. 3 months ago on Peanuts

    I have a feeling that the WWI vet has something to do with this helicopter.